This Shortage is Already Hitting Ford – Who Will be Next?
At times, our partners reach out to Goals & Good Life with special opportunities for our readers. The message below is one we think you should take a close, serious look at.
Hello Friend,

Now, this is crazy!

Remember the oil shock that happened in the 1970’s?

For those who don’t, it was a scary time.

Struggling families waiting in huge lines to get gas as more and more stations ran dry.

This kind of thing is about to happen again…but it will be much worse this time.

Just look at this satellite image of a parking lot in Kentucky.
What you are looking at is a parking lot of brand-new Ford trucks. There are thousands just sitting there.

And this is happening as a car shortage is making prices skyrocket.

So, why is Ford just leaving their trucks in this lot?

It all has to do with one small aspect of technology.

A part of technology that most of us don’t notice.

But our world runs on it.

So, it’s scary to think what a shortage would bring.

But that’s what we are about to face. A shortage that could change the world as we know it.

And it’s not going to hit just the automotive industry.

It will hit almost every industry in America.

I want to warn you before it’s too late.

Click here to see what’s really going on…and how to keep your family safe from what’s about to come.

Van Bryan Van Bryan
Editorial Director, Brownstone Research
Goals & Good Life
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