Happy Women Academy
It’s really not fair…

Normal guys doing normal guy stuff.

In this case it’s simply the way we take a shower.

But then…

Recent studies show 8-9 men out of 10 do this ED risk habit in the shower…

Basically all of us!

Simply getting clean.

You’re right, it’s a shower, not cool!

But here’s the problem…

And this is serious, this habit turns men’s sexual organs into nothing more than a pee device…

And you can forget about sex.

Forget intimacy.

Welcome to embarrassment and…

…the ultimate frustration.

But there is an answer, a way for men to avoid this life crushing event.

Here Are the Details You Need
P.S. Don’t wait, it could happen to you at any time if it hasn’t already.

P.S.S. Ladies - If you see your man struggling, gently bring this info to his attention. It will benefit you both.
Moon in Capricorn
Phase: Full Moon
You might have a strong need for being useful to the society and you look for justification in the outside world. You may underestimate what you want from yourself and for yourself. Shyness may be accompanied by resentment of the fact that others ignore you. Do not seek approval from the outside, it will not help you get rid of your doubt and it is harmful to you. You have to trust your inner values.

Surgical operations are strongly not recommended during the Full Moon.

Organs influenced by Capricorn Moon Sign:
Knees, joints, backbone, spinal muscles, patella, bones, tendons and ligaments, skin, hair, spleen, the organ of balance.

These organs are now more sensitive so provide them with extra care.
Lucy Lewis
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