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A sponsored message from Covenant Eyes

The statistics are numbing. Approximately 94% of men and 87% of women have seen pornography at some point in their lifetime, and Christians aren’t immune.

With this rampant porn use, one has to wonder: Is porn affecting our brains?

Almost 20 years ago, Dr. Judith Reisman theorized that the brain itself might actually be damaged while watching porn.

Recent studies are validating her theory, which means we must step into the fight before porn does any more harm to ourselves, let alone our faith, families, and friends.

So what’s the first step?

You need to know what these studies are showing and how this damage can be healed. The FREE, easy-to-read ebook, Your Brain on Porn, fills in these blanks and explores five proven ways pornography warps the brain and five biblical ways to combat these effects.

Arm yourself with the knowledge you need today.

Download Now
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1525 W. King St. Box 637, Owosso, MI 48867