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Last week’s curation at RealClear’s American Civics portal focuses on the launch of our new K-12 Teacher Resources for American Civics portal. Developed using the Roadmap to Educating for American Democracy (EAD), a framework for civic education, and carefully curated by veteran civics teacher Enrico Pucci, it includes essential articles, primary and secondary resources, lesson plans, interactive games, and visual and audio resources to aid civics educators and inform students. With this new, simple-to-use and comprehensive resource, RealClear has made it easy for teachers to educate students about the civic ties that should bind all Americans together, regardless of race, religion, national origin, or political persuasion. This online library also features original work by scholars who were instrumental in the EAD Roadmap’s creation: Paul Carrese and Adam Seagrave of the School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership at Arizona State University.

→ Visit RealClear’s Teacher Resources for American Civics

American Civics portal editor Mike Sabo reports on the launch of the new teacher portal, noting that it promotes a reflective patriotism that “does not shy away from telling a full account of America’s history, warts and all.” “But it does this in the context of the principles of liberty and equality on which our nation was founded,” Sabo writes. As Adam Seagrave comments, “The civics teacher portal and the EAD Roadmap reflect this ‘both/and’ approach, offering tremendous resources for maintaining the delicate honesty/optimism balance necessary for passing a healthy American identity on to future generations.” 

Award-winning teacher Enrico Pucci, who oversaw content curation for the new portal, writes at RealClearEducation that “RealClear’s portal for civics teachers will be my ‘go to’ destination” for help with classroom teaching going forward. In the midst of a polarizing political environment where ideology is seeping into America’s classrooms, he argues that the portal is a “return to fact-based, primary-source-infused classroom teaching so our students can truly understand the virtues, values, and vices that make up the American story.” He adds that the content the portal provides, which is “free of partiality or politics,” allows teachers to “better educate our students to understand, appreciate, and respect the core principles of the United States.”

Essential Reading

K-12 Teacher Civics Resources Portal

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