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Last week’s curation at RealClear’s American Civics portal begins with Jack Miller’s latest piece for RealClearPolicy, in which he calls for preserving the American Dream of equal opportunity, hard work, and individual responsibility. Miller explains that these principles and habits of character stem directly from the Declaration of Independence, whose teaching that “all men are created equal” means that Americans are equal in their ability to chart a path for themselves. As Miller writes, that dream “has attracted millions of people from all over the world to come to America” and has caused us to “become the most prosperous nation in the world.” Opposing modern attempts to cast aside the meritocratic concept at the heart of the American Dream, Miller calls Americans to work together – especially teachers – to preserve and protect that dream for future generations.

At the American Civics portal, Gabriel Nadales, the national director of Our America, argues that Hispanic Heritage Month and Constitution Day are inextricably intertwined. He contends that without the example of the U.S. Constitution, “Latin American countries and democracy itself would not exist the way they do today.” “After the Philadelphia experiment,” he writes that nearly every Western country has a constitution, which includes “every country in Latin America.” Nadales concludes by writing that though “Latinos should rightly take pride in and celebrate the rich cultures from which we emigrated,” they should not forget that the Constitution’s example helped fuel his ancestors’ “fight for the independence we celebrate today.”

Original Posts

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month Is To Celebrate American Independence

Gabriel Nadales, RealClearAmericanCivics

Essential Reading

Preserving the American Dream

Jack Miller, RealClearPolicy

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In the News

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In History: Confederation Congress Agrees to New Constitution

Scott Bomboy, National Constitution Center

US History Collection: A New Resource For Educators

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Where Do Progressives Stand on Civil Liberties?

Glenn Loury, Lara Bazelon, Substack

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Brenda Hafera, Washington Times

The Left Needs to Take Back the Constitution

Jay Swanson, The Nation

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Charles C.W. Cooke, National Review

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