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Last week’s curation at RealClear’s American Civics portal starts off by covering the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. At City Journal, historian Tevi Troy delves into the sometimes surprising history behind presidential assassinations in American history. As most Americans know, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were assassinated; but most probably don’t know that James Garfield and William McKinley were as well. And Troy recounts the failed attempts against “Andrew Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Gerald Ford (twice), Ronald Reagan, and now Trump.” In light of this, Troy gives his readers two lessons: “First, for all the skill and bravery of the Secret Service agents who protect presidents, sometimes they need help from ordinary citizens.” And the second lesson is that, given the contentiousness of American politics, “we all need to watch our public rhetoric.” “Framing our policy differences, however serious, in hysterical terms, as too many Americans have been doing for too long,” Troy writes, “raises the prospect of extremists or mentally damaged people taking matters into their own hands.”

At The Blaze, Guy Shepherd gives Americans a lesson on equality, properly understood. He outlines what the American founders meant by “all men are created equal” and how equality has been misunderstood today. As Shepherd writes, the understanding of natural human equality taught in the Declaration of Independence “doesn’t say everyone is equal under every circumstance and across the board.” Instead, it means that “each of us is born not to be a master or a slave but rather a self-governing citizen.” “Understand this: It is only because all are created equal that all are free.” Shepherd closes by noting, “Every human being is born for self-government, politically and personally. Equality extends the franchise of political liberty and its free pursuits to the human family.” This is what the novus ordo seclorum was about at its core.

In the News

How Americans Can Talk About Politics Again

Erin Norman & Lura Forcum, RealClearPolitics

After Saturday's Failed Assassination on Trump, RNC Changes Tone

Debra Saunders, RealClearPolitics

Six Breakout Speeches From US Presidential Conventions

Lesley Kennedy,

Violence and The Presidency

Jeff Polet, Ford Forum

Private Property and the Birth of a Free Society

C. Bradley Thompson, Substack

The Paradox of the Declaration of Independence

Lonnie G. Bunch, Smithsonian

Redeeming (Mostly) Thomas Jefferson

Bradley Birzer, Imaginative Conservative

Democracy Depends On Students Knowing Civics

Meg Butterworth, Seattle Times

Utah Valley University Promotes K-12 Civics with New Master's Program

Emma Everett Johnson,

Historic Records Lead List of Online Civics Resources Available to Educators

Pete Lewis, National Archives

Constitutional Imagination in the 'Long Founding'

Aaron N. Coleman, Law & Liberty

Cure for What Ails America Is Equality Properly Understood

Guy Shepherd, Blaze Media

US College Students Have Shocking Gaps in Civic Knowledge

Rikki Schlott, New York Post

Assassination Attempt Won’t Change Our Heated Rhetoric

Samuel J. Abrams, AEI

SCOTUS Curtails the Administrative State

Patrick Garry, Public Discourse


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