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Starting off this week’s curation is the latest essay in our 1776 Series, “Freedom of Speech Versus Identity Politics.” Arthur Milikh explains how protecting freedom of speech is crucial for maintaining republican liberty. He argues that passing laws prohibiting “hate speech” would require “nothing short of a revolution that marks the end not only of freedom of mind but also of what remains of political self-rule in America.”

Wilfred Reilly discusses the New York Times’s 1619 Project in a short, compelling video. He argues that the 1619 Project’s main contention that slavery was and remains the defining characteristic of America is incorrect.

In our continuing series examining civic institutions, RealClear American Civics editor Mike Sabo spotlights the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, noting its vast archives of primary source documents and digital resources that are freely available to teachers and students across the country.

Mark David Hall corrects the public memory of the Puritans, showing how they are different from the way they have been typically portrayed: close-minded, dour theocrats who enforced draconian laws in their colonies. As he argues, “they created political institutions and practices that profoundly influenced the course of American politics and facilitated later experiments in republican self-government and liberty under law.”

Daniel Dreisbach explains how the Pilgrims and Puritans helped found America’s tradition of self-government. They “produced a constitutional tradition that blended biblical law interpreted through the lens of their Protestant theology, English common law adapted to the needs of their communities, and developing local customs.”

Original Posts

Freedom of Speech Versus Identity Politics

Arthur Milikh, RealClearPublicAffairs

Much evidence suggests that freedom of speech may be banned in the coming years under the guise of regulating “hate speech"...

Bringing History to the Classroom: The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History

Mike Sabo, RealClearWire

With Malice Toward None: The Role of Civics Education in the 2020 Election

Jeanne Allen, RealClearPublicAffairs

Essential Reading

How Reformed Theologians’ Commitment to Resisting Tyranny Helped Form America

Mark David Hall, RealClearPublicAffairs

Last year marked the culmination of The New York Times’s controversial 1619 Project. The project rightly brought attention...

In the News

Thomas Jefferson's Failed Attempts to ‘Fix’ the Bible

Daniel Silliman, Christianity Today

Neglected Classic Envisioned End of Cold War

Francis P. Sempa, RealClearHistory

The 1619 Project's Racialist Falsification of History

David North, World Socialist Web Site

New US Citizenship Test Adds Questions, Complexity

Aline Barros, Voices of America

BYU Professor Suggests Reforms to the Constitution

Maddie Mehr, Daily Universe

New Book Meticulously Debunks NYT’s 1619 Project

Jennifer Kabbany, The College Fix

The History and Legitimacy of Court Expansion

Thomas Keck, The Constitutionalist

The Myth of Recurrent Court-Packing

Joshua Braver, The Constitutionalist

Faith, Politics, and 19th Century America

Howard Muncy & Richard Carwardine, Public Discourse

The Ongoing Struggle for Our Liberties

Samuel Goldman, Law & Liberty

I Saw Identity Politics Tear the Occupy Movement Apart

Wilfred Reilly, USA Today

Ibram X. Kendi’s Religious War

Jacob Howland, American Mind

A Popular Convention for a New Constitution

George William Van Cleve, Starting Points

Rosa Parks' Arrest 65 Years Ago Ignited the Civil Rights Movement

Shannon Heupel, Montgomery Advertiser

Dismantling The 1619 Project

Robert Carle, Religion Unplugged


Podcast: The Spiritual Quest of Identity Politics

Joshua Mitchell & Richard Reinsch, Liberty Law Talk

Today we’re talking with Joshua Mitchell about his latest book, American Awakening: Identity Politics and Other Afflictions of...

Podcast: Reclaiming 1619

Kevin Gutzman & David Randall, National Association of Scholars

An interview with Kevin Gutzman, a professor of history at Western Connecticut State University. A prominent historian critiques...

Podcast: Relics and Reverence

Chris Flannery, American Story

Abigail Adams recorded that when her husband and Thomas Jefferson visited Shakespeare’s birthplace, Jefferson fell upon...

What's Wrong with The 1619 Project?

Wilfred Reilly, PragerU

In August of 2019, the New York Times published The 1619 Project. Its goal is to redefine the American experiment as rooted not in...

Carl Cannon's Great American Stories

Great American Stories: War and Blame

Good morning, it's Monday, Dec. 7, 2020.  On this day in 1941, Americans were going about their normal Sunday routines. ...

Great American Stories: Divine Quotes

Good morning, it's Friday, Dec. 4, 2020, the day of the week I pass along quotations intended to be inspirational ...

Great American Stories: Brando's Method

Seven years ago this week, after revealing that President Obama planned to enroll for medical coverage under the Affordable Care ...

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