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This week’s curation begins by highlighting Daniel J. Mahoney’s 1776 Series essay, which argues that defenders of America today need to make explicit what earlier generations of Americans could largely presuppose: rights must always be accompanied by corresponding duties, and the exercise of our freedom should be understood to operate within an unchanging moral universe. Far from planting the seeds of our nation's destruction, Mahoney contends that America's Founders offer key lessons for Americans who want to reestablish the conditions of freedom. 

Continuing his civic institution op-ed series, Mike Sabo focuses on the Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism, which was founded and is directed by C. Bradley Thompson. CISC teaches undergraduate students the “moral and political foundations of capitalism, its importance in maintaining a free society, and how it has improved the lives of billions of people around the globe.”

Peter Wood puts the recently released 1776 Report, authored by President Trump’s now disbanded 1776 Commission, into context. He notes the vehement opposition the report has garnered in the media and does a detailed analysis of its findings and conclusions. Wood says that the “1776 Report offers what not so long ago was a basic primer on the American Founding” and “doesn’t say anything that would have challenged the intellect of an average middle school student” – a fact that, contrary to its critics, is to its benefit.

Rabbi Meir Y. Soloveichik delivered the 2020 Erasmus Lecture and focused his efforts on exploring Abraham Lincoln’s theologically infused speeches and private writings during his presidency. He argues that Americans blended Lockean-inspired ideas of the state of nature and the social contract with the biblical idea of covenant, which together have worked to form the character of the American soul.

Original Posts

Civic Virtues: Recovering the Other Half of Our Founding

Daniel J. Mahoney, RealClearPublicAffairs

Until a half century ago or so, there was a moral consensus, however fraying, that informed and shaped the exercise of freedom...

In the News

Teaching the Moral Foundations of Capitalism, One Student at a Time

Mike Sabo, RealClearWire

The Challenger Disaster and Its Lessons for Today

Steven F. Hayward, Wall Street Journal

Lincoln's Almost Chosen People

Meir Y. Soloveichik, First Things

Audie Murphy's Heroic World War II Actions, This Month in 1945

Daniel R. Champagne, Military Times

Affirming American Democracy

Mark Tooley, Theopolis Institute

Trump’s Impeachment Trial Would Harm, Not Heal, the Nation

Jeffrey J. Poelvoorde, National Review

San Francisco Votes to Rename 44 Schools for Ties to Racism, Slavery

Elinor Aspegren, USA Today

'Action Civics' Replaces Citizenship with Partisanship

Stanley Kurtz, American Mind

Can Americans Reclaim the Term ‘Patriot’?

Melissa Mohr, Christian Science Monitor

Biden Administration Plans to Put Harriet Tubman On $20 Bill

Alan Rappeport, New York Times

America Isn’t Make-Believe

Peter Wood, American Mind

Trump’s 1776 Report Was Not the Only Response to the 1619 Project

Clarence Page, Chicago Tribune

Breaking Faith

Mark David Hall, Law & Liberty

The Constitution Needs More Friends Supporting It

Bruce Petrie, Cincinnati Enquirer

Facebook Cancels Abe Lincoln

John Cribb, RealClearPolitics


Major Issues Lecture Series: The Virginia Dynasty

Lynne V. Cheney, Ashbrook

“Put a spike of a drawing compass into a map of Virginia at Ferry Farm, George Washington’s boyhood home. Extend the other leg...

Podcast: History, Wisdom and Hope for America’s Future

Bob Woodson, Jeff Sikkenga, & Jeanne Allen, Reality Check

Robert Woodson, Founder and President of the Woodson Center, and Jeffery Sikkenga, Executive Director of the Ashbrook Center...

Podcast: Honor and Oblivion

Chris Flannery, American Story

Only devoted students of history have heard of him, but in the years leading up to the American Declaration of Independence, John Dickinson...

Glenn Loury on the Power of Grit

Glenn Loury, Ian Rowe, & Nique Fajors, The Invisible Men

How should young Americans respond to structural barriers as they seek to carve out a place for themselves in the world...

Podcast: Can a Former President Be Tried for Impeachment?

J. Michael Luttig & Keith Whittington, We the People

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Carl Cannon's Great American Stories

Great American Stories: Oprah's Quote

Good morning, it's Friday, Jan. 29, 2021, the day of the week when I reprise a quotation meant to be ...

Great American Stories: 'Never Again!'

Seventy-six years ago today, U.S. Army Gen. Omar Bradley rode in his armored caravan out of Bastogne, Belgium. Although the ...

Great American Stories: Sports Update

Hello, it's Monday, Jan. 25, 2021. Globally, the number of COVID-19 infections is closing in on 100 million documented cases. ...

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