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This week’s curation begins by highlighting the “Roadmap to Educating for American Democracy,” a document that was recently issued by a group of over 300 scholars and teachers nationwide. The Roadmap aims to provide civic and history education to all students by offering educational strategies for every grade level, a website of curated materials, and recommendations that each state and district can use to fit the specific needs of its students. Furthermore, the Roadmap details benchmarks for state-level accountability, as well as recommendations for developing strong history and civic educators.

John Peterson highlights the reactions of the media and professional historians to the 1776 Report, which was authored by members of former President Trump’s now-disbanded 1776 Commission. Peterson argues that, contrary to its critics, the Report teaches that “no matter our race, sex, or origin,” piety and gratitude, rather than derision and contempt, should guide our study of the American Founding.

Daniel J. Mahoney writes that Alexis de Tocqueville, the great French philosopher and social critic, was neither a partisan of democracy nor aristocracy but instead of “liberty and human dignity.” As Mahoney continues, “He was neither unduly nostalgic for the glories of the Old Regime nor blind to new threats to the integrity of the human soul that would arise in the democracies of the present and future.” Tocqueville’s project was to bring together democratic equality and an aristocratic concern for preserving human greatness and achievement for the good of nations and its peoples.

Essential Reading

Preserving America’s Character Key to Civic Education

Jonathan Butcher, Heritage Foundation

Schools are a reflection of culture and national character and should transmit these ideas through the teaching of history...

In the News

Taking 1619 Out of the Schools

Ramesh Ponnuru, National Review

America Without God

Shadi Hamid, The Atlantic

Conservatives, Go Local

Hans Zeiger, RealClearPolicy

Could You Pass a Citizenship Test? Most Americans Can't

Dallas Morning News

Could Revolution Have Succeeded Without Washington?

Mount Vernon

Pluralism Is Democracy's Lifeblood

Timothy Garton Ash, Bush Center

American Millstone

Marc O. DeGirolami, Law & Liberty

Religious Conservatism and Constitutional Law

Gerard V. Bradley, First Things

Slavery as the Original Sin of America

Lee Trepanier, Then Again

The Audacity of the 1776 Report

John Peterson, The American Mind

Virtue at the Origin: The Classical Foundations of the American Republic

Matthew Stewart, Public Discourse


Podcast: Crisis of the Two Constitutions

Charles Kesler & Brian Anderson, 10 Blocks

Charles Kesler joins Brian Anderson to discuss the divide between liberal and conservative visions of the Constitution, the three waves...

Podcast: Battle Hymn of the Republic

Chris Flannery, The American Story

It’s not every day that a poet sits down and writes a poem that becomes a national hymn. But that’s what happened to Julia Ward Howe...

Carl Cannon's Great American Stories

Great American Stories: Game of Change

Fifty-eight years ago today, two young men shook hands at the end of a basketball game, their last as collegiate ...

Great American Stories: Quote of the Week

Good morning, it’s Friday, March 12, 2021, the day of the week when I reprise a quotation meant to be ...

Great American Stories: What She Said

One year ago today, as part of a Women’s History Month series curated by Dana Rubin, RCP readers were treated to ...

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