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Beginning this week’s curation is the latest 1776 Series essay, “Madison's Five Lessons for Overcoming Polarization.” University of Virginia professor Lynn Uzzell writes about how James Madison, one of America's greatest statesman, can help lessen undue political partisanship. Drawing on Madison's writings, Uzzell recovers a classical approach to political persuasion, rhetoric rightly understood, and the true nature and grounds of political civility. She highlights the remarkable moral and civic resources available to modern Americans through a respectful engagement with the American Founding, which can help us recover our republican way of life.

Mark David Hall counters the critiques of the 1619 Project in a general survey of the history of slavery in America, finding that our nation was founded on anti-slavery principles, though the principle that “all men are created equal” didn’t have the immediate political effect of abolishing slavery nationwide. Hall argues that the Founders “formed a constitutional order intended to secure” the principle of natural human equality, which led future generations to “abolish slavery,” eliminate “Jim Crow legislation,” and elect an “African American as president of the United States.”

Michael Warren describes the top five reasons why all Americans should revere the U.S. Constitution. According to Warren, important features of the Constitution include that, unlike the British Constitution, it’s a written document whose text can be read and appealed to by all Americans, and it was approved by the people’s representatives through special conventions in every state. As Warren writes, “The United States Constitution is not some musty piece of parchment, written in barely legible calligraphy and irrelevant to our lives. To the contrary, it is a governing document of profound significance that all Americans should revere.”

Original Posts

Madison’s Five Lessons for Overcoming Polarization

Lynn Uzzell, RealClearPublicAffairs

There has never been a time when our nation wasn’t divided by partisanship. Yet some eras are more divisive than others, and few...

Top Five Reasons Why the Constitution Should Be Revered

Michael Warren, RealClearPublicAffairs

Essential Reading

Educating for American Democracy Report

Educating for American Democracy

The United States stands at a crossroads of peril and possibility. A healthy constitutional democracy always demands reflective...

In the News

'Too Much of a Unity,' Part II

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Deforming Education

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Trudy Rubin, Philadelphia Inquirer

Slavery and the American Founding

Mark David Hall, Chronicles

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Daniel P. Schmidt, Philanthropy Daily

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'Too Much of a Unity'

Glenn Ellmers, American Mind

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