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Leading off this week’s curation is the companion piece to Michael Warren’s op-ed last week, which catalogued the top five reasons why all Americans should revere the Constitution. Expanding on those arguments, Warren lists federalism, equality under the law, unalienable rights, voting, and the amendment process as five additional reasons why the Constitution should be honored. As Warren concludes, “To preserve our liberties, revere the Constitution, and convince others to do the same.”

Tony Williams reviews “A Glorious Liberty,” a new book by the journalist Damon Root on Frederick Douglass and the anti-slavery character of the U.S. Constitution. Though early in his public life Douglass agreed with the abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison that the Constitution supported slavery, he eventually changed his mind and concluded that it did not sanction the idea of a person being counted as property. As Williams writes, Douglass came to believe that “slavery was antithetical to a constitutional republic founded on the natural rights evident in the principles in the Preamble and due process clause of the Fifth Amendment.”

At 1776 Unites, Ismael Hernandez sheds light on two alternative approaches to studying race in America. The first approach views history through the lens of the expansion of individual freedom, an optimistic account that notes the importance of Christianity and natural law as “indispensable elements in the development of American constitutionalism.” The other approach, which Hernandez calls the dialectical approach, sees history as competing groups based on ethnicity and race vying for power. This account lends itself to thinking that America was founded on racism and slavery, a view best exemplified in the New York Times’s 1619 Project.

Original Posts

Another Five Reasons Why the Constitution Should Be Revered

Michael Warren, RealClearPublicAffairs

In the News

Free but Not Free

Harold Holzer, Wall Street Journal

Theories of Race

Ismael Hernandez, 1776 Unites

Indiana Lawmakers Require Civics Class for Middle Schoolers

Associated Press

Peoria Schools Named After Jefferson, Coolidge and Lindbergh to Be Renamed

Chicago Tribune

Has CRT Reached Your School District Yet?

Joanne Florino, Philanthropy Roundtable

Freedom Was the Overarching Idea of America, not Slavery

Richard D. Wilkins,

Danielle Allen Calls for Expansion of U.S. ‘Civic Infrastructure’

Isabella B. Cho, Harvard Crimson

The Immigrant’s Vote of Confidence in America

John O. McGinnis, Law & Liberty

Women Making History: Space Travel

Karlyn Bowman, AEI

American History Deserves Better Than a Google Word Search

Dan McLaughlin, National Review

Citizenship Exam Revisions Can Help Revitalize US Civics Education

Dana Devon, The Hill

Containment and the Truman Doctrine: Documents and Debates

Ray Tyler, Teaching American History

Educating for American Democracy Initiative Releases Roadmap to Strengthen Civic Education

Ria Agarwal, Tufts Daily

Frederick Douglass’ Constitutional Bedrock

Tony Williams, Law & Liberty

Allen Guelzo and the Politics of History

Deborah Yaffe, Princeton Alumni Weekly


1776: The American Character in History and Teaching

Conor Friedersdorf, Bob Woodson, & Jason Ross, National Association of Scholars

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Center for Education Reform

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Screening and Q&A of 'Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words'

Michael Pack, William F. Buckley, Jr. Program

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Senator Ben Sasse, U.S. Senate

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Michael Patrick Murphy

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