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This week’s curation leads off with Mike Sabo’s latest civic institutions op-ed, which highlights how Hillsdale College is working to create citizens who are capable of participating in republican government. Through a core curriculum based on the great thinkers in Western Civilization, as well as “Imprimis” (a monthly speech digest), online courses, and graduate schools on both its Michigan and Washington, D.C. campuses, Hillsdale ensures that the principles of a free society are passed down to the next generation.

Sponsored by Patrick Henry College, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, and the American Conservative, the recent “Idols, Identity Politics, and Lies of Our Age” conference explores how the new religion of identity politics is displacing Christianity. Professors Daniel J. Mahoney and Joshua Mitchell and the author and blogger Rod Dreher each spoke separately and then together on a panel discussion concerning the grave problems posed by this “Great Awokening.”

A new survey commissioned by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni found that Illinois citizens reject the politicization of public education. Conducted from February 17–21 in response to the new Illinois Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards, which call for student advocacy and major structural reforms of the political system, the survey found weak support for politicizing K-12 public education and strong support for a civics education grounded in the principles of freedom of speech and free inquiry.

Johnathan Butcher and Lindsey Burke argue in a recent report that the introduction of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in Illinois schools is a bad sign for civic education because it views America through the lens of oppressor versus oppressed rather than the idea of the “e pluribus unum” – the foundational unity that all citizens should share on our nation’s principles and practices. Butcher and Burke propose seven steps to combat CRT in the classroom, which include ensuring a transparent process for creating curriculum and promoting civic knowledge in the classroom rather than “anti-bias” training.

Original Posts

Hillsdale College Teaches the Principles of a Free Society

Mike Sabo, RealClearWire

Essential Reading

Seven Steps to Combat CRT in the Classroom

Jonathan Butcher & Lindsey Burke, Heritage Foundation

State policymakers and local school board members have a role to play in making sure that public schools teach content that...

Illinois Education Bureaucrats Differ with Public

American Council of Trustees and Alumni

Bottom Line: The results of a telephone survey of 800 Illinois residents commissioned by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni...

In the News

President Jim Eagle

Carl M. Cannon, RealClearPolitics

Is Nullification an Option?

Mark Pulliam, Law & Liberty

Hulu to Produce '1619' Series Examining Slavery

Joseph Choi, The Hill

The 1776 Report Lives On

Colleen Flaherty, Inside Higher Ed

Historic Figures Who Recognized That Speech Is Freedom’s First Line of Defense

Lawrence W. Reed, Foundation for Economic Education

How to Bring Some Peace to the Woke Ed Wars

Neal McCluskey, RealClearPolicy

The Resegregation of America

Jarrett Stepman, Daily Signal

A Pro-Trump Student Group Will Launch a History Curriculum

Andrew Ujifusa, Education Week

A Friendly Quarrel Between Two Patriotic Smiths

Rogers M. Smith, The Constitutionalist

American Femininity Protects Our Principles

Brenda Hafera, American Greatness

Civics Education Is Essential for Creating Engaged Citizens

Jen Reidel, EdSurge

Five Facts on Contested Elections

No Labels, RealClearPolicy

When Constitutions Took Over the World

Jill Lepore, The New Yorker

Is Patriotism Worth Preserving?

Steven B. Smith, The Constitutionalist

How Much Do You Trust the Government?

Scott Rasmussen, Deseret News


Podcast: How the Framers Made the Presidency

Michael McConnell & Richard Reinsch, Liberty Law Talk

I’m glad to welcome to the program today Michael McConnell to discuss his new book just out from Princeton University Press...

The Courage of George Washington

Larry Arnn, Hillsdale College

Larry Arnn and Hillsdale College students apply the lessons of Aristotle's Ethics to the indispensable American, George Washington...

Identity Politics: The Ersatz Religion of Our Time

Daniel J. Mahoney, Patrick Henry College

In this collaboration between the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, The American Conservative, and Patrick Henry College, "Idols, Identity Politics...

The Crooked Path to Abolition

James Oakes & Tony Williams, BRI Scholar Talks

How were the Civil War and the question of slavery related to differing interpretations of a pro-slavery or anti-slavery Constitution?...

Podcast: A Decent Respect

Chris Flannery, American Story

The “real American Revolution,” as John Adams said, took place in the minds and hearts of the American people in the years...

Ignoble History: The 1619 Project

Allen C. Guelzo, Napa Institute

The 1619 Project, published as a special issue of The New York Times Magazine in 2019, claims to offer a comprehensive new interpretation of American

Podcast: The 1776 Report

Matt Spalding & John Miller, The Bookmonger

John J. Miller is joined by Matthew Spalding of Hillsdale College to discuss The 1776 Report, which he co-edited...

Carl Cannon's Great American Stories

Great American Stories: Bart Giamatti, Renaissance Man

Good morning, it's Friday, April 2, 2021, Good Friday on the Christian calendar and the day of the week when ...

Great American Stories: Baseball Is Back

Good morning, it's Wednesday, March 31, 2021. On this date in American history, Cesar Chavez was born (1927), President Lyndon ...

Great American Stories: Seward's Folly?

Good morning, it's Tuesday, March 30, 2021. Today is the second day of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin's murder ...

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