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Beginning this week’s curation is the latest piece in our civic institutions series, featuring the California-based think tank, the Claremont Institute. Through its fellowship programs, essays and articles, litigation efforts, and podcasts, Claremont works to “restore the principles of the American Founding to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life.” President Ryan Williams says that in order to revive the concept of American self-government, Americans must combat the “vicious lies” being told about America’s Founders and celebrate our nation’s “heritage, heroes, accomplishments, and people.”

Chester Finn and Frederick Hess argue that inculcating civic knowledge in students is just one part of the mission of civic education: educators, policymakers, and teachers also need to ensure that students are capable of functioning as citizens. They point to the recently-released “Roadmap to Educating for American Democracy,” a framework that was the result of a joint effort compromised of over 300 scholars, as a way teachers can get students up to speed on the civic duties and character all American should possess.

American Civics portal editor Mike Sabo covers the recent Idols, Identity Politics, and Lies of Our Age conference at Patrick Henry College, which featured Daniel J. Mahoney, Joshua Mitchell, and Rod Dreher speaking about how identity politics is displacing Christianity. According to their presentations, social justice ideology is an alternate religion that discards traditional Christian categories such as conversion in favor of pitting oppressed against oppressor, or groups based by race, against each other. As Mitchell argued, we are facing “a great American awakening without God and forgiveness,” which threatens the very principle of “e pluribus unum” on which America was based.

Original Posts

The Claremont Institute’s Counterrevolution to Save America

Mike Sabo, RealClearWire

Claremont Institute president Ryan Williams says that American civic education faces an acute crisis. In his estimation, essentially every institution – the vast complex of media, B...

The Great Awokening: Identity Politics Versus Christianity

Mike Sabo, RealClearReligion

At the recent Idols, Identity Politics, and Lies of Our Age conference sponsored by Patrick Henry College, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, and The American Conservative, profe...

Essential Reading

American Civics Education Legislation Tracker

David Randall, National Association of Scholars

The Civics Bill Tracker includes a Database and a Summary Analysis of every proposed American civics education bill, both...

In the News

Democrats Introduce Bill to Expand Supreme Court from 9 to 13 Justices

Sahil Kapur, NBC News

Illinois School Currently Named After Jefferson Will Be Renamed for Rep. John Lewis

Rachel DeSantis, People

America's Latest 'Religious' Revival

Charles Lipson, RealClearPolitics

How Can Colleges Recover Their Civic Souls?

Abraham Unger, The Hill

Supreme Court Justices Call for More Civics Education Amid Risk From ‘Domestic Enemies’

Mark Walsh, Education Week

Federal Lawsuit Seeks to Remove Blaine Amendment from South Carolina Constitution

Jason Schaumburg, The Center Square

Civics Education Should Not Be One-Recipe-Fits-All

Chester E. Finn & Frederick M. Hess, The Hill

Make Race Relations a Part of Civic Education

Kitty Oliver, Florida Today

Merchants of Revolution

Christopher F. Rufo, City Journal

Upcoming '1619 Project' Books for Children and Adults

Rachel Kramer Bussel, Forbes

Why Its Wrong to Attack Justice Breyer on Court-Packing

Adam Carrington, American Spectator

Radicalized Political Ingratitude

David Lewis Schaefer, Law & Liberty

We Must Learn From History, Not Cancel It

David Davenport, Ashbrook

We Should All Be Madisonians

Thomas Koenig, The Dispatch

Here's How 'The Unum Test' Can Reunite America

John Avlon, Mickey Edwards, et al., Time


Civics as a National Security Imperative

Justices Sonia Sotomayor & Neil Gorsuch, Center for Strategic and International Studies

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the National Security Institute (NSI) at George Mason University's Antonin Scalia...

Lincoln, the Founders, and an America Worth Saving

Lucas Morel & Thomas Cleveland, Jack Miller Center

How can our knowledge of Lincoln and the founders help us in this age of political polarization? On March 30, 2021 political theorist and Lincoln expert...

Homework Help: Bush v. Gore

Bill of Rights Institute

Why was the presidential election of 2000 so controversial, and what constitutional questions were raised during the vote...

Podcast: We Are All Americans

Chris Flannery, The American Story

Ely Parker was born in 1828 to Elizabeth and William Parker of the Tonawanda Seneca tribe of the Iroquois confederacy in western...

Why Are There Nine? Important Supreme Court History in the Classroom

Rachel Davison Humphries, Bill of Rights Institute

Join Rachel for This Week in Civics as we explore the Supreme Court docket, and take a quick look at Supreme Court History...

Carl Cannon's Great American Stories

Great American Stories: Bob Feller's Quote

Today's quote comes from Hall of Fame pitcher Bob Feller, who threw the only Opening Day no-hitter in major league ...

Great American Stories: Jackie Robinson

Good morning, it's Tuesday, April 13, 2021. Seventy-four years ago today, the Brooklyn Dodgers finished the preseason by completing a ...

Great American Stories: Diversity to the Fore

By the time you read this, Hideki Matsuyama will have returned the green jacket he won at August National Golf ...

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