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This week’s curation begins with Jack Miller highlighting what his eponymous center is doing to spur a revolution in American civic education. As Miller contends, passing civic knowledge on from one generation to the next is crucial for the continued success of the American republic. But with the rise of ideologically infused history and a shift to STEM fields in higher education policy, students increasingly do not possess basic civic knowledge that is required of citizenship. Fortunately, the Jack Miller Center has partnered with 1,000 professors on more than 300 college campuses who have taught well over 1 million students “about the wisdom and promise of our founding documents and our history of making them a reality.”

In our latest civic institution op-ed, Mike Sabo highlights the myriad civic resources offered by the Indianapolis-based Liberty Fund. Founded by businessman Pierre Goodrich in 1960, Liberty Fund boasts four major webportals, a vast digital library of key economic and historical texts, conferences, podcasts, and more. Richard Reinsch notes that Law & Liberty, one of Liberty Fund’s key offerings, explores the “classical liberal tradition of law and how it shapes a society of free and responsible persons.” 

Greg Weiner argues that judging presidents by the “first 100 days” standard, which was created with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s entrance into office in the midst of the Great Depression, “distorts politics by encouraging occupants of the White House to change as much as possible as quickly as possible.” Instead, Weiner says that presidents need to deploy judgment and prudence and disregard the idea that success lies in the speed at which they remake America in their image.

Original Posts

Taking Back American Education

Jack Miller, RealClearPublicAffairs

If Abraham Lincoln were alive today and looking out from a speaker’s stand over our divided nation, he would probably once again deliver his Gettysburg speech. All he would need to c...

Liberty Fund’s Mission More Vital Than Ever

Mike Sabo, RealClearWire

In the News

What Civics Education Should Really Look Like

Valerie Strauss, Washington Post

Notre Dame Launches Center for Citizenship and Constitutional Government

Notre Dame College of Arts and Letters

1776 Action Takes on Critical Race Theory

Matthew Vadum, Epoch Times

Assessing Police Killings of Black Americans

Robert Cherry, RealClearPolicy

Critical Race Theory's Impact on Indiana Education

Dwight Adams, Indy Star

Parents Must Stop Disastrous 1619 Curriculum

Scott Jennings, Courier Journal

1619 Is a Very Important Year in American History

Ricky L. Jones, Courier Journal

Taking Critical Race Theory to the Next Level

Inez Stepman & Lindsey Burke, National Interest

University Decline: Hofstadter’s Warning Has Been Ignored

Jay Schalin, Martin Center for Academic Renewal

Teaching Kids That America Was Always Racist

Jerry Newcombe, Stream

Historians Are Either Hedgehogs or Foxes

Barry Alan Shain, Chronicles

Institutionalizing Racial Fanaticism Across American Society

Mike Gonzalez, Washington Times

Wisconsin Assembly Calls for Constitutional Convention

Associated Press

Liberal Democracy: On the Brink Again?

Manuel Hinds, Law & Liberty

Freedom and Identity

John F. Doherty, Public Discourse


Podcast: Can Congress Budget?

Allen Shick & Kevin Kosar, Understanding Congress

The topic of today’s episode is, “Can Congress budget?” My guest is Dr. Allen Schick. He is professor emeritus at the School of...

How American History Textbooks Skew the Past

David Randall, Bruce Frohnen, Kevin Gutzman, et al., National Association of Scholars

America needs better American history textbooks. America’s children are growing up to know little about the story of...

How to Think About Diversity In Education

Nadine Strossen, Glenn Loury, Richard Shweder, et al. Heterodox Academy

Watch leading academics and HxA members discuss the role of diversity in higher education. This is the second video in a series...

Podcast: A Rose on Lincoln’s Grave

Chris Flannery, American Story

Sports fairly practiced—especially individual sports—are a great meritocracy revealing, for all the world to see, the beauty of...

False, Scandalous, and Malicious: The Alien and Sedition Acts

Jeff Sikkenga, Christopher Riano, & Cara Rogers, Ashbrook

Ashbrook seeks to strengthen constitutional self-government by educating our fellow Americans -- students, teachers, and citizens...

Carl Cannon's Great American Stories

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Forty-eight years ago today, the American people were riveted by a spectacle that would result in the end of a ...

Great American Stories: Lincoln's Quote

Good morning, it's Friday, May 14, 2021, the day of the week when I reprise quotations intended to be uplifting ...

Great American Stories: Old Man River

On this date in 1883, Mark Twain's publisher released "Life on the Mississippi," a biographical account of his boyhood. Many ...

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