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Leading off this week’s curation is the latest article in our civic institutions series. RealClear’s American Civics portal editor Mike Sabo highlights the events, communities, and resources the Delaware-based Intercollegiate Studies Institute offers to students, teachers, and anyone else who is looking to revive American civic education. President Johnny Burtka stated that ISI should be viewed as “America’s university,” a true alternative to the U.S. higher education system. It provides students with a liberal education that is grounded in the “American tradition of liberty” and draws from the deep wells of Western civilization.

Michael DiMatteo argues that radicals who are bent on tearing America down have taken over the classroom. Increasing numbers of teachers view American history and its founding documents as fundamentally corrupted by racism and slavery and are trying to “cancel” anyone who may disagree. Instead, DiMatteo argues that balance should be fostered; students should explore America’s triumphs and tragedies for the purpose of generating a patriotic love of country.

Last week, the members of President Trump’s Advisory 1776 Commission met informally in Washington, D.C. to discuss civic education curricula, state reform efforts, federal legislation, executive actions, and future activity of the Commission. In a statement, the members advocated for a “genuine civics education that will rebuild our common bonds, our mutual friendship, and our civic devotion and eagerly look forward to the forthcoming release of curricula designed in the true spirit of 1776.”

Marking the release of a new book, “Red, White, and Black, Rescuing American History from Revisionists and Race Hustlers,” Bob Woodson of 1776 Unites chaired a panel that included Wilfred Reilly, Stephanie Deutsch, and Ian Rowe that pushed back against the view that America is systematically racist. In his presentation, Woodson discussed “inspirational and aspirational” stories of forgotten black heroes. While not shying away from injustice in American history, Woodson nevertheless talked about the hope and promise that America offers to people of all races.

Original Posts

Working to Become America’s University: the Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Mike Sabo, RealClearWire

According to Intercollegiate Studies Institute president Johnny Burtka, “Free societies don’t work without virtuous and educated people.” The American republic relies on a “citizenr...

Civic Education and the Withering Away of the United States

Michael DiMatteo, RealClearPublicAffairs

Essential Reading

1776 Commission Statement on Restoring Civic Education

1776 Commission

We are grateful for the widespread support of the work of The President’s Advisory 1776 Commission, and we commend the many efforts...

In the News

Can CRT and Patriotism Coexist in Classrooms?

Kelly Field, NBC News

Was the Right to Bear Arms Designed to Protect Slavery?

Randall Kennedy, New York Times

How We Can Renew and Improve Our Civil Discourse

Thomas Koenig, The Dispatch

Missouri Lawmakers Want to Restrict Critical Race Theory

Jeanne Kuang, Kansas City Star

'Cancel Culture,' Hypocrisy, and Double Standards

Cathy Young, Arc Digital

Virginia County’s Book Collection Spotlights Radical K-12 Education Agenda

Jarrett Stepman, Daily Signal

True Federalism Honors the States’ Civil Court Systems

John Ashcroft, American Greatness

On Reparations: John F. Kennedy vs. Robert F. Kennedy

Larry Elder, RealClearPolitics

What Did the Three-Fifths Clause Really Mean?

John O. McGinnis, Law & Liberty

Originalism, Divided

Harry Litman, The Atlantic

The Woke Mob Comes for Lincoln

Robert L. Wilkie, Washington Times

Correcting 1619’s Falsehoods About the American Founding

Jason Riley, Wall Street Journal

Kendi’s Premature Memoir

William B. Allen, Law & Liberty

How a ‘Slavery’ Uproar at Juilliard School Threatens Liberty

Heather Mad Donald, New York Post

The Real Problem with Critical Race Theory

Monita Mungo, The Hill


1776 Commission Update

Matthew Spalding, Larry Arnn, & Carol Swain, Radio Free Hillsdale Hour

On May 24, 2021, The 1776 Commission met at Hillsdale College’s Washington, D.C. campus to discuss civic education curricula, state civic education reform efforts, pending federal legislation and executive actions, and future activity of the Commission

Known But to God

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What Is the Barney Charter School Initiative?

Kathleen O'Toole, Hillsdale College

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Heritage Foundation

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The Marbleheaders and American Independence

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On Race in America

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Trust & the Election: Left, Right & Center

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Carl Cannon's Great American Stories

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Great American Stories: The Heart of Big Sky

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