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This week’s curation begins by highlighting a historical essay on Abraham Lincoln from the Jack Miller Center. The essay explores the Great Emancipator's political statesmanship in guiding the nation through a time of great calamity as the American Union was being torn apart. In his opening letter, Jack Miller notes that we are going through another time of national strife today but that by holding fast to the principles of the Declaration of Independence – especially the idea that “all men are created equal” – our nation, in Lincoln’s words, “will not perish from the earth.”

Robert Pondiscio reviews “Red, White, and Black,” a new collection of essays edited by Bob Woodson of 1776 Unites. Rather than offering a detailed refutation of the 1619 Project, the assorted essays by notable scholars and writers such as John McWhorter, Clarence Page, Lucas Morel, and Carol M. Swain go to the heart of how Americans should think about race in light of our nation’s history in regard to slavery and the principles our nation was founded upon.  

The Thomas B. Fordham Institute has published the first comprehensive study of civics and U.S. history standards in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The study gives 16 states (containing more than 25 million K-12 students) A or B grades in one or both subjects and 35 states a grade of C or worse – including 20 states that received D or F grades.

President Donald Trump argues that the teaching of critical race theory in American classrooms is a national catastrophe and imperils our future. He points to parents speaking out in school board meetings in Loudoun County, Virginia and elsewhere as evidence of a rising tide against theories that, he argues, attack the very foundations America was built upon. Among President Trump’s policy proposals are to prohibit the teaching of critical race theory, create mini-1776 Commissions in states to examine curricula, and make lesson plans available to parents.

Essential Reading

How Lincoln's Wisdom Helped Preserve the Nation

Jack Miller Center

A couple weeks ago, we examined the infamous legacy of Lincoln’s predecessor, President James Buchanan. Often remembered for...

Evaluating 2021 Civics and US History State Standards

Jeremy Stern, et al., Thomas B. Fordham Institute

Bottom Line: The first comprehensive study of civics and U.S. history standards in the 50 states and the District of Columbia gave...

In the News

Can Civics Education Counter Threats to Democracy?

Carl Smith, Governing

Life After Lemon

Mark Rienzi & Nick Reaves, Law & Liberty

The Military’s Perilous Experiment

Bing West, Hoover Institution

Against a National Juneteenth Holiday

Matt Rosendale, Washington Examiner

‘The Words That Made Us’ Review: Constitutionally Speaking

Mark G. Spencer, Wall Street Journal

Florida Makes Sure Schools Teach Evils of Communism, Totalitarianism

Jarrett Stepman, Daily Signal

Study Gives Iowa Failing Grades for Civics, US History Standards

Samantha Hernandez, Des Moines Register

Is Juneteenth the New Independence Day?

Michael Medved, Newsweek

New York Times Ignores 1619 Project Falsities

Jordan Davidson, The Federalist

What the Critical Race Theory Debate Misses

Robert Pondiscio, American Enterprise Institute

If Justice Breyer Retires, Look for Adherent of Living Constitution to Take His Place

Michael Cozzi, Epoch Times

Sorry, Harvard, Black Fathers Matter

Ian Rowe & Brad Wilcox, USA Today


James H. Nichols, The Constitutionalist

Gov. DeSantis Signs Civics Education Bills

Rachel Fradette, Naples Daily News

How to Understand the Debate Over Big Tech and Antitrust

Eric Posner, MarketWatch


1815: The Miracle at New Orleans

Donald Hickey, Brian Kilmeade, & Joseph F. Stoltz, National Association of Scholars

In late December of 1814, British ships and soldiers sailed to New Orleans in an attempt to break through the American fortifications...

By Constitutional Design: The Electoral College

John Yoo, PolicyEd

Is the Electoral College antidemocratic? The Founders rejected the direct election of the president in order to balance individual liberty...

On Juneteenth

Bob Woodson & Armstrong Williams, Strongcast

Armstrong sits down with Civil Rights icon, Mr. Woodson, to discuss the meaning and importance of Juneteenth. Our country is the only...

What Is the American Idea?

Jeffrey Sikkenga, Ashbrook

The American Idea is a podcast presented by Ashbrook that explores America’s Founding principles and their effect on American history...

Catholics and Religious Toleration in Early America

Michael Breindenbach & Antonin Scalia, Madison's Notes

How did American Catholics go from subjects to citizens? Who is the "godfather" of the First Amendment? How can spiritual and...

America's Two-Party System

American Battlefield Trust

Unlike other democracies around the world – where people can vote for political parties representing many different interests...

1800: Republicans, Federalists, and Party Transition

Joseph J. Ellis, Peter S. Onuf, Edward J. Larson, et al., National Association of Scholars

After years of the Federalists maintaining power, the election of 1800 represented a stark shift. Vice President Thomas Jefferson...

Our Finest Hour

Chris Flannery, American Story

America’s greatest enemy is not the Chinese or the Russians, or some other foreign tyranny—though they might indeed kill us if...

Carl Cannon's Great American Stories

Great American Stories: How Roberts Ruled

Nine years ago today, in a 5-4 decision that surprised many observers, Chief Justice John Roberts joined the four members ...

Great American Stories: Bierce's Quote

Good morning, it's Friday, June 25, 2021, the day of the week when I reprise quotations intended to be uplifting ...

Great American Stories: Ambrose Bierce

Good morning, it's Thursday, June 24, 2021, another lovely weather day on the East Coast. On this date 179 years ...

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