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This past week at RealClear’s American Civics portal, Dennis Hale and Marc Landy returned with their second essay in our 1776 Series (you can read their first essay here), titled “What Is American Citizenship?” In a thoughtful, comprehensive, and characteristically readable essay, they argue that citizenship can neither be reduced to making an endless series of demands upon government nor governing by majority rule. Instead, it entails Americans who share a patriotic love of place and creed working together under the law to address issues, through debate and deliberation, that regularly crop up in public life.

In the second installment of Ashbrook’s new America Idea podcast, Jeff Sikkenga speaks with Greg McBrayer about the importance of “The Federalist Papers,” a series of 85 essays pseudonymously written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay that argue in favor of the Constitution’s ratification. In another notable podcast, Ronald J. Pestritto discusses his latest book, “America Transformed: The Rise and Legacy of American Progressivism,” and explores how Progressives such as Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and John Dewey broke sharply with the political principles of the American Founding.

Aaron Sibarium explores the intellectual and historical roots of critical race theory, a movement that began in law schools that stood against the race-neutral, colorblind civil rights policies inaugurated by Brown v. Board of Education that its proponents argued only heightened inequality between the races. While there are “indeed some differences between critical race theory and the new racial orthodoxy,” they also share many similarities: modern antiracists such as Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo believe “all racial disparities are illegitimate, unconscious bias is everywhere, racist speech is violence” – a claim also forwarded by critical race theorists of a previous generation.

Original Posts

What Is American Citizenship?

Dennis Hale & Marc Landy, RealClearPublicAffairs

These days, the idea of citizenship immediat­­ely calls to mind the idea of rights: we have rights because we are citizens of a rights-protecting...

In the News

Biden Is Right on Voting Rights

Errol Louis, New York Daily News

President Biden's Voting Rights Theater

Byron York, Washington Examiner

How Critical Race Theory Led to Kendi

Aaron Sibarium, Washington Free Beacon

Courage Under Fire

Emina Melonic, American Greatness

Remembering Bayard Rustin

Arch Puddington, American Purpose

The Ideology of White Fragility

Anonymous, Minding the Campus

Why Passing Anti-CRT Laws Won't Work

Samuel Goldman, The Week

The Misguided Argument Against CRT Bans

Max Eden, Newsweek

Florida BOE Adopts New Civics Curriculum Standards

Ryan Dailey, Miami Herald

A Mixed Report Card on Race Issues

James Varney, Washington Times

Language Often a Problem in Laws Banning CRT

Ramesh Ponnuru, American Enterprise Institute

An Almost-Blessing and an Almost-Curse for an Almost-Chosen Nation

David Goldman, Law & Liberty

Sensitivity by Proxy

Geoffrey M. Vaughan, James G. Martin Center

Guantanamo Bay Naval Station and Our Constitution

Andrew Napolitano, Fox News

The Case for a Patriotic Education in America

Ross Douthat, Salt Lake Tribune


How the Progressives Transformed America

Ronald J. Pestritto & Tim Benson, Ill Literacy

Heartland’s Tim Benson is joined by Ronald J. Pestritto, Graduate Dean and Professor of Politics, to discuss his new book, America Transformed...

Madison's Federalist Papers

Greg McBrayer & Jeff Sikkenga, American Idea

Why are the Federalist Papers so important to American history and government? Is James Madison the most influential American...

JFK and Foreign Policy

Greg Schneider & Tony Williams, BRI Scholars Talks

How did JFK respond to foreign policy crises during his presidency? In our newest Cold War & the Presidency Scholar Talk, BRI Senior...

An Anti-Slavery Declaration

Chris Flannery, American Story

Jefferson drafted the Declaration, a committee reviewed it, corrections were made, and on July 2-4, Congress—in the midst of much...

Crisis of the Two Constitutions

Charles Kesler & Gerard Bradley, Teleforum

Join Professor Gerard V. Bradley and Dr. Charles Kesler, author of Crisis of the Two Constitutions: The Rise, Decline, and Recovery

Gigi at the White House

Giovanna McBride & Stewart McLaurin, White House Historical Association

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Strategy, Statecraft, and Character in Ulysses S. Grant’s Civil War Memoir

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1820: The Missouri Compromise and its Legacy

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Carl Cannon's Great American Stories

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On this date in 1984, Geraldine Ferraro, whom I wrote about last week, accepted the vice presidential nomination at the ...

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Good morning, it's Friday, July 16, 2021, the day of the week when I reprise quotations intended to be uplifting ...

Great American Stories: Leaving Texas

Despite the gruesomely hot and humid weather, this is tourist season in Washington and today the nation's capital welcomes some ...

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