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Leading off this week’s curation at RealClear American Civics is our latest 1776 Series essay, “The American Regime and Its Moral Ground.” The well-known teacher and thinker Hadley Arkes articulates and defends the enduring principles that undergird the American republic. Following the Founders and Lincoln in interpreting the Constitution through the lens of the Declaration of Independence, Arkes argues that the rights and obligations of a free people are rooted in a natural order that anyone can understand through using their mind. As he concludes, officeholders in a constitutional government should have good character and respect the rights of citizens, working to protect the property and lives of everyone living in this country.

Matthew Mehan highlights Hillsdale College’s new 1776 Curriculum, which looks to give students a deep and abiding education in America's principles, traditions, and people. It will “help students grow into young men and women of character and intellect,” Mehan writes, and show them how to “become good, equal, and free Americans.” The curriculum will equip students with the tools think and “speak to the fundamental truth of equality and liberty” and live out the high calling of American citizenship each day.

For more on this new curriculum, RealClear's John Hirschauer recently explored its resources in detail and featured explanations and guidance from Hillsdale’s Kathleen O’Toole, the Assistant Provost for K-12 Education.

Eric Felten dives into the history of critical race theory, looking at the genesis of CRT in law schools in the mid-1980s. The movement was started by UCLA law professor Kimberlé Crenshaw and other academics – including Neil Gotanda, Gary Peller, and Kendall Thomas – in response to what they viewed as the myriad failures of the civil rights movement. Felten notes that CRT “is not just an academic approach but a “politically committed movement” that, in the words of Professor Cornel West, rejects “traditional civil rights discourse,” including the “ideals of integration, assimilation and color-blindness,” in favor of raising “race-consciousness.”

Original Posts

The American Regime and Its Moral Ground

Hadley Arkes, RealClearPublicAffairs

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Academic Integrity and Frederick Douglass's Famous Speech

Michael DiMatteo, RealClearPublicAffairs

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Social Justice 101: Cancel Culture

Steven Kessler, National Association of Scholars

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In the News

Hillsdale College’s 1776 Curriculum

John Hirschauer, RealClearEducation

You Shouldn't Have to Be a Citizen to Vote

Atossa Araxia Abrahamian, New York Times

This Is What Critical Race Theory Looks Like

Ari Blaff, National Review

Why Millennials and Gen Z Aren't Proud to Be American

Jacob Jarvis, Newsweek

When Did the Supreme Court Do Better?

Carrie Severino, RealClearPolitics

An Obscure Supreme Court Ruling Is a Cautionary Tale of Federal Power

Jim Harper, The Hill

Hillsdale’s 1776 Curriculum an Antidote to America’s Ailing Civics Miseducation

Matthew Mehan, RealClearPublicAffairs

Federalism: A Cure for What Ails the US

Clint Bolick, Washington Times

Safe Spaces: Balancing Academic Freedom and Wokeness

Michael Munger, James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal

Andrew Johnson a 'Defender of the Constitution?'

Fred Lucas, RealClearHistory

Plain, Honest Men

Richard Beeman, Museum of the American Revolution

When Critical Race Theory Ousted the Civil Rights Movement

Eric Felten, RealClearInvestigations

Tribalism Is Anti-American

Thomas Koenig, National Review

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Samuel Postell, Law & Liberty

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