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Featured this week at RealClear’s American Civics portal is our latest 1776 Series essay, “How Progressives Rewrote American History.” Bradley C.S. Watson argues that influential twentieth century historians such as Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. and Richard Hofstadter were largely sympathetic with the Progressive Movement's goals and reinterpretation of American history. They filtered out the progressives' radicalism and accepted the idea that historical and evolutionary progress meant that the Constitution should change with the times. Later historians thought the progressives weren't radical enough and sought to move America even further away from its natural rights and natural law foundations.

Two recent pieces at RealClearPolitics feature the latest commentary on the controversial subject of critical race theory in K-12 education. Katharine Gorka writes about the emergence of parent coalitions that are forming around the country to combat CRT, among other issues cropping up in classrooms. Professor Lynn Uzell explains that parents working to counter CRT should adopt a “non-racial” strategy where they identify their children as having no race or decline to answer questions regarding race. She argues that this plan is “morally right, politically expedient, socially advantageous, and it has the added benefit of conforming one’s identity to the racial reality of America.”

In Ashbrook’s latest American Idea podcast, Jeff Sikkenga speaks with Cara Rogers, Assistant Professor of History at Ashland University, about Thomas Jefferson's important letters to Roger Weightman and Henry Lee. They explore how Jefferson understood the ideas enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and their fulfillment since the time of the Founding, especially in relation to Jefferson’s growing fears regarding the problem of slavery in antebellum America.

Original Posts

How Progressives Rewrote American History

Bradley C.S. Watson, RealClearPublicAffairs

America’s Founders understood that political change is inevitable. They thought it must come about through constitutional...

In the News

Three Words to Defeat CRT: 'I Am Non-Racial'

Lynn Uzzell, RealClearPolitics

Look to the Founders for Answers on Covid Vaccine

Jared Cohen, Boston Globe

Confronting Critical Race Theory in Fairfax County, VA

Sarah Weaver, Washington Examiner

The Patriot Financier Who Bankrolled the Revolutionary War

Dave Roos,

Most Americans Say Talking About Racism and Slavery Is Good

Seattle Times

Critical Race Theory and Constitutional Patriotism

Lee Trepanier, RealClearPolicy

Civics Education in Schools Gains Steam

Lee Hawkins, Wall Street Journal

Getting War Powers Right

Gary Schmitt, The Hill

Critical Race Theory Undermines America

Peter Morici, Washington Times

Progressivism Surges Through America’s Law Schools

George Leef, James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal

Lady Liberty and Our Boundless Land of Opportunity

Jack Miller Center

Taking Critical Race Theory Bans to Court

Henry Kokkeler, RealClearPolitics

The Great Parent Revolt

Katharine C. Gorka, RealClearPolitics

This Is No Way to Govern a County

Greg Weiner, American Enterprise Institute

Does God Want Religious Liberty?

James E. Hartley, Law & Liberty


Civil Rights Icon: CRT ‘Far More Destructive’ Than Old Racism

Bob Woodson, Fox News

Woodson Center Founder Bob Woodson discusses the problems associated with critical race theory on 'Fox & Friends'...

Jefferson's Letters to Weightman and Lee

Cara Rogers & Jeff Sikkenga, American Idea

On this episode of The American Idea, Jeff welcomes Dr. Cara Rogers, Assistant Professor of History at Ashland University...

The Life and Work of Thomas Sowell

Glenn Loury, John McWhorter, & Jason Riley, Glenn Show

Glenn Loury, John McWhorter, & Jason Riley discuss Jason's new biography of the great twentieth century economist and thinker...

The Second Great Awakening

Robert Caldwell, Thomas Kidd, John Wigger, et al., National Association of Scholars

In the early 19th century, a Protestant religious revival swept through the United States, bringing with it a rise in religious observance...

Soul of Freedom

Chris Flannery, American Story

Every year in August, the oldest synagogue in America—Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island—holds a public reading of a...

Hillsdale College Helps K-12 Students Learn American History, Civics

Matthew Spalding & Rob Bluey, Daily Signal

Now, thanks to Hillsdale College, there’s a curriculum that parents can use to ensure their children are getting the education they...

Are Vaccine Mandates Constitutional?

Josh Blackman, Wendy Mariner, & Jeffrey Rosen, National Constitution Center

As students return to school, hundreds of colleges and universities are requiring those returning to campus to get coronavirus vaccines...

America and the Promise of Freedom

Wilfred McClay, Hillsdale College

In 1941, American novelist John Dos Passos wrote, “In times of change and danger when there is a quicksand of fear under men’s...

Carl Cannon's Great American Stories

Great American Stories: Kabul and Saigon

Over the weekend, Americans were subjected to images they hadn't seen since April 1975: U.S. soldiers frantically trying to evacuate ...

Great American Stories: Field of Dreams

Good morning, it's Friday, Aug. 13, 2021, the day of the week when I reprise quotations intended to be uplifting ...

Great American Stories: Heat Wave

Today, we tend to think about "climate" change when we contemplate extreme weather, but whatever you call it, this is ...

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