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Leading off this week’s curation at RealClear’s American Civics portal is our latest 1776 Series essay, in which Paul Carrese of Arizona State University argues that civic education rightly understood combines a reflective patriotism featuring a deep gratitude for our traditions of liberty and self-government and a broader philosophic interest in studying the nature of things. Carrese uses Montesquieu, Tocqueville, and Lincoln to show how Americans can avoid the twin extremes of indifference and frenzied activism in order to maintain our republican way of life.

Samuel J. Abrams argues that recent findings indicate that, contrary to popular belief, the Democratic Party does not have Gen Z locked up. “Thirty-seven percent of students surveyed identify as strong or weak Democrats while just 11 percent identify as strong or weak Republicans,” Abrams writes. “This is no slam-dunk for Democrats, however, for the majority of students (53 percent) identify as Independents or something else entirely.”

The latest article in our continuing civic institutions series focuses on the Constitutional Fellows Program, a joint effort of the Center for the Study of Statesmanship at Catholic University and The American Conservative. The Program features a six-week course of study for early to mid-career DC policy professionals that examines the roots of our constitutional order and how the Constitution should guide policymakers today.

Emile Doak, executive director of The American Conservative, notes that the “Constitutional Fellows Program fills a critical void in Washington,” as many politicians and policymakers “love to cite the Constitution but too often do so without a comprehensive understanding of the moral and cultural preconditions that are required for self-government.”

Mike Sabo reports on Daniel McCarthy, who has been serving as the director of the Robert Novak Journalism Fellowship at The Fund for American Studies, and his return to the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, where he will serve as vice president of its Collegiate Network, which supports a thriving group of independent college newspapers and journals.

Original Posts

Civic Education as a Duty and a Delight

Paul O. Carrese, RealClearPublicAffairs

For too many Americans, “civics” is either a vague mystery or akin to a dental cleaning: we know that we should do it but would...

Constitutional Fellows Program: Recovering the Foundation of American Political Life

Mike Sabo, RealClearWire

Parties Take Note: Gen Z Is Still Up for Grabs

Samuel J. Abrams, RealClearPublicAffairs

Essential Reading

1776 Unites Curriculum

1776 Unites

The 1776 Unites curriculum offers authentic, inspiring stories from American history that show what is best in our national character...

How to Fix the House of Representatives

Ketih Rothfus, National Affairs

A few months after he resigned as speaker of the House, John Boehner walked into Pete's Diner, one of his old haunts on Capitol Hill...

In the News

Who's Really to Blame for Afghanistan?

Neil Patel, RealClearPolitics

DC Prep Schools Embrace Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion

John D. Sailer, City Journal

What Did the Three Continental Congresses Do?

Becky Little,

Mandatory Immunization for the Military: As American as George Washington

Gillian Brockell, Washington Post

John Rawls, Contemporary Liberalism, and Natural Law

Christopher Wolfe, Public Discourse

1776 Unites Member Blasts Critical Race Theory, 1619 Project

Michael Ruiz, Fox News

History As It Happens: Understanding Jefferson

Martin Di Caro, Washington Times

Natural Law and American Civil Rights Movements

William B. Allen, Public Discourse

Digital Defamation, the Press, and the Law

Edward Wasserman, The American Prospect

7 Miami Leaders to Know on Women’s Equality Day

Jeff Kleinman, Miami Herald

You Don't Have 'Constitutional Right' to Refuse a Vaccine

Marci Hamilton & Paul Offit, CNN

It’s the Institutions, Stupid: The Constitution of Knowledge

Jonathan Rauch, The Constitutionalist

Asian Americans Debunk Critical Race Theory

Kenny Xu, James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal

Influential Student Journalism Organization Announces New Leader

Mike Sabo, RealClearEducation

Natural Law and the Declaration of Independence

James Stoner Jr., Public Discourse


The Effects of Factions: Federalist 10 Explained

Kirk Higgins, Primary Source Close Read

How does the structure of our federal government promote the common good? Join Kirk Higgins as he analyzes Federalist 10...

On Frederick Douglass's 'What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?'

Lucas Morel & Jeff Sikkenga, American Idea

On this episode of The American Idea, Jeff welcomes Dr. Lucas Morel, Professor of Politics at Washington and Lee University...

Liberty for All

Chris Flannery, American Story

The Statue of Liberty has come to seem as much a part of America as the Grand Canyon. The oldest rocks of the Grand Canyon were...

9/11: The Causes

Michael Hurley, We the Teachers

In observance of the 20th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, TeachingAmericanHistory interviewed Michael Hurley...

How to Use 1776 Unites Curriculum

Ian Rowe, Bettye Taylor, Jesse Turner, & Albert Paulsson, 1776 Unites

Looking for empowering, historical curriculum that shows the real Black American experience? The 1776 Unites curriculum offers...

When the Cold War Turned Hot

Wilfred McClay, Hillsdale College

On June 25, the Cold War turned hot with the beginning of the Korean War. In this highlight from Hillsdale’s free online course...

Carl Cannon's Great American Stories

Great American Stories: Reagan's Quote

Good morning, it's Friday, Aug. 27, 2021, the day of the week when I reprise quotations intended to be uplifting ...

Great American Stories: Hubert's Moment

As the National Hurricane Center tracks another storm system gathering strength in the Caribbean Sea, I'll again invoke the memory of a ...

Great American Stories: Sherman, 'The Searchers,' and Myths

On this date in 1875, a band of Apache Indians battled a unit of Texas Rangers near the Concho River. ...

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