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At RealClear’s American Civics portal this past week, we’ve continued to feature articles, essays, and podcasts discussing the 234th anniversary of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.

The Heritage Foundation recently published “The Essential Constitution,” a booklet that gives a brief overview of the Constitution’s historical origins and purposes. It describes the building blocks of our constitutional architecture, such as the separation of powers and federalism. In addition, it tells the story of the compromise that led to the Constitution’s passage – the Founders agreed to having two houses of Congress, one featuring proportional representation and the other equal representation – and makes the case for how the Constitution should be interpreted.

At American Greatness, Anthony Esolen writes about the difficulty students have with reading key texts of the American Founding, such as “The Federalist” – a series of 85 essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay supporting the Constitution’s ratification. Instead of learning about American civics, Esolen charges that Americans and their leaders spend their time watching “one fatuous soap opera after another; in other words, who follow the words and deeds of our entertainers and politicians.”

Bob Woodson and Ian Rowe of 1776 Unites argue at Newsweek that well-meaning politicians who are working to ban the teaching of critical race theory miss the real problem in education today: the “failure to enable the majority of students – regardless of race – to achieve academic excellence or even, in many cases, basic skills.” Also from 1776 Unites is a recent podcast featuring Rowe, along with Judge Janice Rogers Browns, Glenn Loury, and Wilfred Reilly, discussing principles and ideas that can provide the basis for reestablishing a new “e pluribus unum.”

American Civics portal editor Mike Sabo reviews Ronald J. Pestritto’s latest book “America Transformed: The Rise and Legacy of American Progressivism” at City Journal. Sabo argues that the fracturing of modern society can be traced back to an alternate theory of government that the leaders of the Progressive Movement first taught over one hundred years ago. Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, John Dewey, and Frank Goodnow, among other luminaries, launched a scathing critique of the Constitution and posited an alternate form of government in which experts who are insulated from political accountability rule for the good of Americans.

Essential Reading

The Essential Constitution

The Heritage Foundation

Bottom Line: A product of the greater Western intellectual inheritance, the U.S. Constitution was created by the American people...

2021 College Free Speech Rankings

Nathan Harden, RealClearEducation

If a tree falls in the wilderness and there’s no one there to hear it, does it make a sound? That could be the start of an interesting...

In the News

Angelo Codevilla: Our Indispensable Man

Ben Boychuk, American Greatness

No, John C. Calhoun Didn’t Invent the Filibuster

Robert Elder, History News Network

Getting CRT Out of Public Schools Is Harder Than Passing a Law

Dan Springer, Fox News

Critical Race Theory Debate Heating Up in Ohio General Assembly

J.D. Davidson, The Center Square

The American Experiment Matters, Too

Rachel Lu, Law & Liberty

13 Facts About the 13 Colonies

Patrick J. Kiger,

The Smith Case, Religious Freedom, and Originalism

Christopher Wolfe, Public Discourse

Clarence Thomas’s Remarks Reveal America’s True Culture War

Star Parker, Daily Signal

The Trial of the Murderers of Emmett Till

David F. Krugler, Teaching American History

Immigration Yes, Multiculturalism No

Dennis Saffran, City Journal

The False Allure of the Pagan Right

Daniel J. Mahoney, Law & Liberty

Two of America’s Leading Historians Look at the Nation’s Founding

Richard Stengel, New York Times

Remedial Constitutionalism?

Anthony Esolen, American Greatness

Ken Burns’s New Series Follows Muhammad Ali’s Greatest Fights

Christopher Jacobs, The Federalist

Let's Toast the Losers of the Constitutional Convention

Richard Hall, History News Network


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1776 Unites: Uplift, Agency, and America’s Promissory Note

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