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Energy Realism this past week focused on the need for massive amounts of new U.S. infrastructure, and why, although continually ignored by greens, China’s rhetoric on climate action is so provably empty.  

Devin Hartman & Neil Chatterjee get us started this week with a much-needed reality check: meeting U.S. energy-climate goals requires large projects. Very large projects. The November election underscored that America’s energy future is dependent evermore on bipartisanship. Luckily, there is some rare common ground on infrastructure in a divided government, and both parties are already making their priorities clear. As electrification becomes more of a priority to lower emissions, the power grid is only getting more essential. And after what we just saw in North Carolina, J. Kennerly Davis argues that, unfortunately, many of the Biden administration’s own policies are making our grid less secure, more vulnerable to sabotage and blackouts. Just imagine when we put all these electric cars on the grid that greens are demanding. Duggan Flanakin points out though that there is a very obvious problem for the “EV revolution:” not many people want to buy them. If the relatively small number of EVs are already causing governments to ration their charging times, imagine the rationing – and the soaring cost – of electric power for EVs (and all the electricity that we use) when there are 50 million of them on American roads.

We already know that Russia, Iran, and China are regularly scheming to crack our grid. Yet, the Biden administration continues to do zero to hold them accountable. China in particular has been given a free pass by the green energy zealots. China is doing far less than it claims to lower emissions. Paul Bledsoe looks at America’s great adversary, whose mostly cosmetic actions have done very little to slow planet-endangering greenhouse gas growth presided over by Xi Jinping. China’s yearly emissions are now about a third of the global total – and rising. That is more than all emissions from the U.S. and every other developed country on Earth combined. Stephen Perkins says the exact same thing. On climate change, why are greens not tougher on China? Like they are on, say, Trump supporters. When it comes to competing on climate, China and the U.S. are not even playing the same game. China is out to make a buck while clinging to its dirty habits domestically. Our Essential Reading this week sums of all this up. The great Oren Cass explains The Futility and Farce of Global Climate Negotiations. 

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