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Energy Realism this past week discussed the importance of supporting our energy and mining industries, and why the court wars greens want to wage against them are so destructive to economic and climate progress.  

Mandy Gunasekara got us started last week: every day we flip on the lights, charge our phones, and fuel our cars without thinking twice about the very industry that makes it all possible: U.S. energy. This cornerstone industry of modern life and a key ingredient to America’s success is too often taken for granted. But this month, the Independent Women’s Forum has established a National Energy Appreciation Day to recognize the dedicated men and women who toil tirelessly to power the nation — fueling our homes, businesses, and aspirations. And as the energy transition continues to play out, this lot of everyday heroes will continue to extend to include our miners of increasingly vital materials. Andy Kireta Jr. explains to us the importance of copper, which we should all be deeming “the new oil.” Inherent in electric cars and a wide range of renewable energy technologies, policymakers across the land must view copper as a critically important commodity.

But instead of considering any of these facts, intransigent greens seem only obsessed with suing our energy and mining industries over “ignoring the science on climate change,” or what other rationality they want to give. David Flemming looks at the climate litigation disaster looming in Connecticut. A recent Montana court decision on environmental rights may soon have significant legal and economic implications on the Constitution State, especially if the state adopts a “green amendment.” Our Essential Reading then comes from the Heritage Foundation. The Biden administration’s objective to “combat” climate change through financial regulation is a bad idea. Such regulations on American business, and thus consumers, will have little impact on climate change, but will raise costs, create barriers to entry, and reduce productivity. 

In the News

Not Flying Lost Me My Job as a Climate Researcher

Gianluca Grimalda, The Guardian

Hamas and the Folly of Energy Dependence

John Hart, C3 News Mag

Resistance to Green Policies Around Europe


70%: Israel-Hamas War Spreads, Threatening Oil

Vivien Lou Chen, MarketWatch

Renewables and EV Lovers Must Also Love Fossil Fuels

Jude Clemente, Forbes

COP28 in Dubai: Climate Negotiations at a Crossroads

Tilak Doshi, Forbes

Schwarzenegger: Democrats Want to 'F*** Up Every City'

Carlos Garcia, The Blaze

Biden Sold Off Nearly Half the U.S. Oil Reserve

Ben Lefebvre, Politico

Climate Change: No. 1 Problem of No Nation?

Katharina Buchholz, Statista

Flashback: The 'Energy Transition' Delusion

Mark P. Mills, Manhattan Institute

These EU Countries Demanding a Fossil Fuel Phase-Out

Reuters, Euronews

Wall Street’s Quest to Finance Coal Again

Natasha White, Alastair Marsh, Bloomberg

Oil Industry Titans Turn on Trump

Jennifer A Dlouhy, QCaptain

‘Green Banks’ With Ties to Biden to Win Big From Taxpayers

Nick Pope, Daily Caller

Hamas Gives Biden Excuse to Go Away From Greens

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Biden's Green Energy Commitment

Tim Hains, RealClearEnergy

According to a recent report from the US Energy Information Administration, renewable energy received $15.6 billion in federal government subsidies in fiscal year 2022, representing ...

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TIME, Time

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Bill Gates on Climate: “Are We Science People or Are We the Idiots?”

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At the Climate Forward event, Bill Gates shares doubts about tree planting, but is bullish about carbon capture and the promise of technological innovation. This interview was with D...

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Fox Business, Fox Business

Yardeni Research President Ed Yardeni analyzes how the war in Israel could disrupt supply chains and affect inflation in the U.S. on 'Barron's Roundtable.'

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