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Energy Realism looked at the clear problems of false climate solutions and why supporting all forms of energy is simply a must. 

Our great Rupert Darwall got us started last week, looking at three books on the obvious folly of ESG. The debate on stakeholder capitalism and ESG is too important to be left with BlackRock and its CEO’s less than candid, but nonetheless revealing, attempt to find a way out of BlackRock’s self-inflicted ESG difficulties. Just take the foolishness of the EV obsession. Geoffrey Pohanka knows all about this. The road to widescale electric vehicle adoption faces many challenges, and not limited to vehicle affordability and concerns of an inadequate charging infrastructure. But let’s stay positive here on energy and climate. Omar Nasser looks at solar power in California. The Golden State has long been the national leader in solar installations, in part, thanks to a favorable net energy metering policy that fairly compensated households for selling their excess solar energy back to the grid. California proves that renewables can indeed be a valuable part our energy future but they are not the only resources that we’re going to need. 

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