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Energy Realism this past week gave President Biden’s net-zero carbon dreams a few reality checks. 

Our Senior Fellow Rupert Darwall gives us a one-two punch for the week. He believes that if Republicans can hold their nerve, net-zero will shape politics over the next two election cycles. A backlash is coming from Democrats’ indifference to the loss of the blue-collar jobs that helped Donald Trump win the White House in 2016. Biden’s double deception will not change the harsh reality that will become increasingly apparent as net-zero’s effects begin strangle the economy. Rupert also reports that climate policy is really just code for more social control. Americans must fight for their own economic interests or become the principal victims of overbearing climate policies.

To illustrate, Robert Bryce explains the real green in “green energy.” Nobody is asking the obvious question: if wind and solar can provide so little power during times of peak demand – and especially during moments when the electric grid is on the verge of collapse – why are we spending so much money on it? Renewables are just part at what President Biden has on his plate. As the administration considers its next move on Russia, Gary Clyde Hufbauer wants it to look to nuanced approaches that achieve the desired effect with minimal adverse impact on American interests.

In any event, George Gemelas promotes what should be most apparent to all of us: bipartisanship is essential to meeting our energy-climate goals. Just consider that between now and 2050 the U.S. will be led by at least four presidents and 15 different Congresses. We thus require policies that can pass and last across the inevitable swings in political administrations.

Essential Reading

Valuing ESG: Doing Good or Sounding Good?

Bradford Cornell, Aswath Damodaran, The Journal of Impact and ESG Investing

Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) considerations have become a critical aspect of investment decision making. The pitch that companies should focus on “doing good” is sweetened with the promise that it will also be good for their bottom line and for shareholders. The current study, however, concludes that the hype regarding ESG has vastly outrun the reality of both what it is and what it can deliver.

In the News

Is ESG Outperformance Just an Illusion?

Julie Segal, Institutional Investor

Energy Producers, Users Face More Climate Disclosures

Ed Hirs, Forbes

Jeff Ubben: Net-Zero Targets are ‘Irresponsible’

Myles McCormick, Financial Times

Firms Aiming for 'Zero Emissions.' Few Know What That Means.

Leticia Miranda, NBC News

Biden's Economic Team Makes Case for Big Climate Investments

Ben Geman, Axios

De Blasio Tries Once More to Take Big Oil to Court

Editorial Board, NY Daily News

Researchers Find That ESG Investing May Benefit Consultants More Than Investors

Simon Moore, Forbes

Climate Deceit, Dubious Policies California Lawmakers Continue to Perpetrate

Katy Grimes, California Globe

Here's Everything We Know About Toyota's New Electric Lineup

Clarisa Mane, Hot Cars

Adventures in ESG — JPMorgan’s Own Goal and Other Stories

Andrew Stuttaford, National Review

Why Fixing the Texas Power Grid Is So Complicated

Robert Bryce, Forbes

Are ESG Funds Really a Good Long-Term Investment?

Wayne Winegarden, National Review

Has Climate Change Become a Tool of Social Control?

Rupert Darwall, RealClearEnergy

Biden Doubles Climate Spending Abroad, Disappointing Greens

Avery Ellfeldt, E&E News

NJ to Bake Climate Risk Into Policies, Share Costs

Wayne Parry, Fox5NY


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