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Energy Realism this past week focused on net-zero dreams and what can only be classified as some really scary advice from the world’s most vital energy organization. 

General Michael Hagee and Drew Horn hit on a harsh reality that “green energy” dreamers just ignore: the mining boom required for the critical materials that comprise electric cars and wind and solar technologies. Namely, we need dozens of new projects to make sure that the U.S. has the batteries for the transition to electrification. If not, net-zero carbon will remain even farther out of reach. Robert Bryce though believes that the International Energy Agency’s recent recommendation to simply stop investments in new fossil fuel projects is really its “jump-the-shark” moment.

Such extremism – and totally contrary to what the Agency has been telling us for decades – is obviously dangerous because fossil fuels supply over 80% of the world’s energy and are nowhere near replaceable at scale. Indeed, the academics and bureaucrats who create models that claim we can run the global economy solely on renewable energy live in a different world than you and me. In their world, there is no shortage of money, land, or commodities like copper, cobalt, and lithium. Oliver McPherson-Smith also reports on net-zero but suggests that our environmental laws are actually getting in the way of environmental progress.

Essential Reading

Lights Out: How Green Mandates Are Undermining the Affordability and Reliability of Electricity

Power the Future

The Biden administration’s climate plan to cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2030 (from 2005 levels) is an unrealistic and highly expensive goal. The benefits reported are obviously inflated because climate change is a global issue: unilateral action cannot be claimed as offering domestic climate benefits. American families and businesses will suffer most.

In the News

Biden’s Green Energy Dilemma on Critical Minerals

David Blackmon, Forbes

SEC's Lee Rebukes 'Myths' Related to ESG Disclosures

Al Barbarino, Law 360

Why Do We Continue to Believe Firms That Greenwash?

Eve Andrews, Grist

Biden's EV Metals Import Plan Unlikely to Match Climate Goals - Executives

Ernest Scheyder, Reuters

Why Shell’s Climate Defeat Matters

Helen Thomas, Financial Times

Canada's Top Pension Funds Boost Investments in High-Carbon Oil Sands


'Powerful Signal:' In a Single Day, Big Oil Suffers Historic Blows on Climate


Are the Risks of Nuclear Energy Overblown?

Haley Zaremba, Oil Price

Beware of Google's Interest in the Electricity System

Michael McKenna, The Washington Times

The Dumbest New York Times Op-Ed of 2021

Ben Zycher, RealClearMarkets

SCOTUS Rules in Favor of Energy Companies

William Allison, Energy In Depth

Executive Order on Climate-Related Financial Risk

The White House

Climate Problem: China Finances Most Coal Plants Built Today

Jeff Nesbit, The Conversation

The US Should Not Count on China’s Climate Goals

Danielle Butcher, Independent Women's Forum

California Air Board Should Force Tesla Divestment of Bitcoin

Jamie Court, The Mercury News


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Bloomberg Live

The future of sustainable investing: a decisive year for ESG.   

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