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Energy Realism over the past week offered a reality check on some key issues: renewables, California’s energy policies, the Biden-Harris ticket, and the growing trend of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria for private companies.

James Taylor continues to reveal dirty secrets about “clean energy”—for example, the immense quantity of land required by renewable-energy systems. It appears that a significant build-out of renewable energy capacity would require unsustainable government subsidies and other market interventions. Energy Realism examines a report from the Texas Public Policy Foundation that shows how market intervention and the forced development of wind power has overburdened the state’s ratepayers.

No U.S. state, though, has been shoe-horning more renewables into the electricity grid than California. Joel Kotkin has seen firsthand how bad energy policies have helped derail the California dream. Blaming the state’s wildfires on “global warming” is simply an excuse for decades of failed leadership. And Daniel Turner warns that California’s obvious energy problems will spread across the country if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win in November.

To close the week, editors at RealClearEnergy report on a recent ESG eventcast from the Manhattan Institute that discussed the push for “stakeholder capitalism,” which extends corporations far beyond their traditional model of profit-seeking. This mission creep, by applying ambitious operating guidelines only to American firms, will shift more investment and jobs overseas—to the benefit of China, where such standards are enforced less strictly. Energy Realism also summarizes a study from the University of Chicago Law School that concludes that the ESG push for fossil-fuel divestment could be causing trillions of dollars in shortfalls for pension-fund holders. This open door for claimants and litigation could ultimately prove the undoing of “woke capitalism.”

In the News

More Employers Including ESG Investments

Lee Barney, Plan Adviser

Lack of Gas Infrastructure Hurts North Carolina

Donald van der Vaart, Charlotte Observer

After 48 Years, Democrats Endorse Nuclear Energy

Robert Bryce, Forbes

Did California's Blackouts Just Shade Our Green Future?

Dale Kasler, Sacramento Bee

DOL Letters to Restrict Use of ESG in Retirement Plans

Rebecca Moore, Plan Sponsor

High Cost of California Electricity Is Increasing Poverty

Robert Bryce, FREOPP

Advisers Hamstrung by 'Poor' ESG Choice

Imogen Tew, FT Adviser

Joel Greenblatt on Tesla: ‘I Really Can’t Explain It’

Pippa Stevens, CNBC

Stop Blaming Climate Change for California’s Fires

Michael Schellenberger, Forbes

Top Climate Action Group Turns Focus to Mexico's Pemex

Staff, Reuters

Exxon Booted From Dow Industrials in Embrace of Tech

Staff, Bloomberg

Demise of ESG Investing Overstated

Richard Morrison, Competitive Enterprise Institute

Norway $ Manager Exits From Exxon, Chevron Over Climate

Dieter Holger, The Wall Street Journal

Climate Activism, 'ESG' Scores & Shutting Down Debate

Andrew Stuttaford, National Review

Storebrand Dumps Oil, Mining Stocks on Climate Lobbying

Staff, Financial Times


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