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This week's curated content continues to highlight the very best grand strategy analysis available on big topics such as China, the implications of the 2020 presidential election, troop withdrawals, the latest geopolitical hotspots, and much more. 

To kick off our China coverage, we recommend the ever-perceptive Bonnie Kristian, who encourages policy makers to think of the rise of China not as a zero sum game, but rather as a reality whose downsides we can deal with without adopting a full-blown militaristic posture. Kristian has another piece at The Hill arguing for the efficacy of a diplomatic approach with respect to China. Of course, advocating a diplomatic approach does not obviate the necessity of strength and deterrence. On this front, we recommend Alex Moore's piece on deterring China via a new START agreement. 

Both China policy and grand strategy generally will depend in large part on the outcome of the 2020 election. Accordingly, we have taken care to curate material that offers some perspective on the different candidates' positions on important matters related to grand strategy. Daniel DePetris has two pieces that offer perspective on Joe Biden's possible outlook: one on how his position on Afghanistan troops may have evolved, and another that looks at Biden's position on SyriaJoe Cirincione's piece gives advice to Biden on dealing with Iran. Finally, Alex Ward from Vox offers a dose of sobriety making the case that both Biden and Trump are in fact less anti-war than they present themselves to be. 

Essential Reading

Diplomacy & Restraint: The Worldview of American Voters

Mark Hannah, Caroline Gray, Eurasia Group Foundation

Bottom Line: In a survey of Americans on foreign policy issues, respondents favor a less militaristic foreign policy and increased foreign diplomatic engagement. These positions are ...

In the News

How Joe Biden Can Solve the Iran Crisis

Joe Cirincione, Responsible Statecraft

Snapping Back Sanctions on Iran Isn't Going to Get the Trump Administration What It Wants

Bonnie Kristian, Business Insider

To Deter China, Extend New START

Alex Moore, Defense One

Diplomacy with China Is Good for America

Bonnie Kristian, The Hill

The Transformation of Diplomacy

William J. Burns and Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Foreign Affairs

Why Expanding the US Drone War to Kenya Is a Dangerous Idea

Priyanka Motaparthy, Responsible Statecraft

Biden and Trump Are Both Promising to End the US’s Forever Wars, But Will They Deliver?

Stephen Wertheim, New Statesman

Joe Biden Once Supported Surging Troops Into Afghanistan, But That All Changed in 2009

Daniel DePetris, National Interest

Is the Blob Really Blameless?

Stephen Walt, Foreign Policy

Rumble in the Desert: This Time Russians Used to Justify More Tanks, Troops in Syria

Daniel Davis, Responsible Statecraft

The Syria Boondoggle: Who’s Ready to Die in Vain?

Danny Sjursen,

What U.S. Troops Are Really Doing in Syria

Michael Hall, National Interest

Why These Four Star Generals Can’t Lecture Us About Morality and Truth

Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Responsible Statecraft

The Building Blocks of a Restraint Coalition

Daniel Larison, American Conservative

How Far Is the U.S. Willing to Go to Defend Taiwan?

Ted Galen Carpenter, Responsible Statecraft


Will the Afghan Peace Deal Actually Work?

The Red Line

The US has now been at war in Afghanistan for almost 20 years, and three administrations have all failed to find a solution to this war. Now the clock is ticking, with the Taliban gaining more and more ground every day, and the US risks a second "Rout from Saigon". So the US is looking to a peace deal, but will it actually bring stability to the region or simply further splinter an already expanding civil war.

Fear and Loathing in the Imperial Capital

Empire Has No Clothes Episode

This week on Empire Has No Clothes, we talked with Harry Kazianis of the Center for the National Interest about why America’s policy on North Korea has gone awry and whether there’s hope yet for the Trump/Kim bromance. We also discussed the new Bob Woodward book and its implications for the Trump administration.

Barnett Rubin Interview: 'Peace is Unpredictable'


Shabeer Ahmadi interviews Barnett Rubin, a senior expert on Afghanistan and South Asia, about the intra-Afghan negotiations, the US policy on Afghanistan, and other current topics.

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