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Irrespective of how the Trump Administration has governed in practice, Donald Trump distinguished himself on the 2016 campaign trail by flouting foreign policy interventionist orthodoxies embraced by his own adopted party.

Despite his victory, the party has been notoriously stubborn in accommodating a genuine shift to foreign policy restraint. This week's curated piece by Doug Bandow excoriates a recent foreign policy memo associated with House Republicans that highlights this backsliding.

Of course, there may be no better example of such "backsliding" than the continued relevance of John Bolton. Readers interested in critical engagement with Bolton's foreign policy perspective would benefit greatly from Trita Parsi's piece that highlights John Bolton's unique obsession with Iran.

In the wake of media leaks suggesting alleged Russian bounties on U.S. personnel in Syria, Gil Barndollar's piece in Business Insider puts the United States' geo-strategic goals in Syria in perspective.

In the News

Joe Biden Should Not Try to Out-Hawk Trump on Venezuela

David Smilde, Responsible Statecraft

Sorry Bolton, We Already Knew Trump Was a Loser on Saudi Arabia

Bonnie Kristian, American Conservative

John Bolton Can Stomach Kim Jong Un’s North Korea, but Not Iran

Trita Parsi, Foreign Policy

The Korean War Started the Trend of Endless Wars for America. How Do We Change Course?

Jessica Lee, National Interest

Bolton’s Fears Misplaced: Overwhelming US Military Power Will Deter North Korea Indefinitely

Daniel Davis, Townhall

We Should Celebrate the 70th Anniversary of fhe Korean War by Leaving

Doug Bandow, American Conservative

Trump Escalates Killer Drone War and No One Seems to Care

Daniel Larison, American Conservative

The Korean War Began 70 Years Ago This Week. We Asked the World’s Top Experts Whether It’ll End Before Turning 75

Harry J. Kazianis, John Dale Grover, & Steph Umbert, National Interest

John Bolton Is Not Your Hero, No Matter What His Book Says

Michael Galant, Responsible Statecraft

The US's Latest Move to Oust Assad from Syria May Only Help Him Dig in Further

Gil Barndollar, Business Insider

Gaslighting Nobody, The Blob Struggles for Primacy

Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, American Conservative

Does the Pentagon’s Checkbook Diplomacy Actually Work?

Brian Blankenship & Renanah Miles Joyce, Defense One

To Counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Build Cities

Mark Lutter, American Conservative

Trump's Dismal Drone Policy

Jordan Cohen & A. Trevor Thrall, Washington Examiner

Biden Can Reverse Trump’s Failures on Iran

Jamal Abdi & Ryan Costello, Responsible Statecraft


America's Foreign Policy Consensus: Blob's Your Uncle?

Net Assessment

The Cato Institute’s Emma Ashford joins Melanie and Zack to discuss her recent article on how to “Build a Better Blob.” They debate whether the foreign policy community is hostile to non-mainstream thinking, or just to non-experts. Emma outlines why the foreign policy community needs to embrace many forms of diversity (and why we all need to wear face masks).

Is China the New Enemy? Confront or Cooperate?

Arena Civil Dialogues

Andrew Bacevich on America's ‘War Fetish' and the Sanitized American Identity

Boston Public Radio

On Thursday, Andrew Bacevich joined Boston Public Radio to unpack his views on the nation’s use of violence and military might to solve its lintany of issues, both foreign and domestic.

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