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This week's curated content continues to cover geopolitical hotspots, with an emphasis on pieces that argue for the prudence and importance of scaling-down troop commitments overseas. This topic is especially relevant today as House Democrats and Republicans alike work to insert provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would make it more difficult for President Trump to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.

Daniel DePetris' piece examines in detail the NDAA as a spring-board through which to rethink US foreign policy commitments. Doug Bandow covers the way in which various members of Congress are attempting to use the NDAA to make troop withdrawals more difficult, and Juliegrace Brufke covers the response from noted Congressional restrainers Thomas Massie and Andy Biggs.

One of the pretexts for continuing to stay in Afghanistan was a recent intel leak suggesting that the Russians may have been paying Islamist groups bounties to attack American soldiers. Bonnie Kristian puts the "Russian bounty" into context, and Doug Bandow addresses the question of America's larger strategic relationship with Russia going forward.

As to the broader question of America's role in the world and the considerations that should determine it, Andrew Bacevich's piece on American Empire is a must read.

And, as always, our curated coverage keeps a close eye on all issues pertaining to China. Interested readers would be well served by looking at Gregory Kulacki's piece in Responsible Statecraft.

In the News

Does ‘Hamilton’ Have All the Answers for U.S. Foreign Policy?

Emma Ashford & Matthew Kroenig, Foreign Policy

China Is Unlikely to Engage in a Nuclear Arms Race with the US

Gregory Kulacki, Responsible Statecraft

The Real Story About Russian Bounties on US Troops Isn’t Whether Trump Knew About It

Bonnie Kristian, Responsible Statecraft

Wartime Without End, War Powers Without Check

Daniel Larison, American Conservative

Congress Plays Hardball to Keep American Troops Overseas

Doug Bandow, American Conservative

Biggs, Massie Call on Trump to Remove Troops from Afghanistan

Juliegrace Brufke, The Hill

McMaster’s Failed Case Against ‘Retrenchment’: A European Perspective

Eldar Mamedov, Responsible Statecraft

Congress Wants More Unnecessary Anti-China Weapons Programs in Annual Defense Bill

Michael T. Klare, Responsible Statecraft

Kim Pyong-il: Former Ambassador or Future Supreme Leader of North Korea?

Harry J. Kazianis, John Grover, & Adriana Nazarko, National Interest

The NDAA Should Prompt a Rethinking of Costly U.S. Foreign Policy

Daniel DePetris, Defense One

The Pandemic Should Kill Regime Change Forever

Stephen Walt, Foreign Policy

No Evidence of ‘Self-Defense’ in Soleimani’s Killing

Daniel Larison, American Conservative

Please Don’t Prolong a Pointless War Just to Show Russia Who’s Boss

Eric Levitz, Intelligencer

Michele Flournoy: Queen of the Blob

Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, American Conservative

The U.S. Should Stop Treating Russia as an Enemy

Doug Bandow,


The Art of the North Korean Deal

Empire Has No Clothes

This week on Empire Has No Clothes, Kelley, Daniel, and I spoke to Jessica Lee of the Quincy Institute. She told us what Donald Trump has gotten right and wrong on North Korea and whether there’s still hope for a peace deal. We also talked about H.R. McMaster’s new piece pushing back against the realists and why he wants to keep the forever wars going forever.

Covid-19 and U.S. Global Leadership

Net Assessment

If the United States does not turn things around soon, and demonstrate its capacity for solving the pandemic, will U.S. allies and partners be as willing to follow its leadership on a range of other problems? What will be the lasting effects of COVID-19 on the global order, and America’s place in it?

Challenging Convention: Charting a Course for the New American Engagement Initiative

Atlantic Council

Which of the assumptions guiding US foreign policy are no longer fit for purpose? How can the United States learn from past mistakes and develop more productive and responsible modes of engagement?

Russian Bounties on U.S. Soldiers Should Spur Quicker Exit from Afghanistan

John Glaser & Caleb Brown, Cato Institute

If claims of Russian‐​paid bounties on U.S. soldiers turn out to be true, an obvious response should be to exit our decades‐​long failed war in Afghanistan. Cato’s John Glaser makes the case.

America’s Endless Wars Come Home: The Militarization of the Police

Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft

The use of military equipment against Americans protesting police brutality demonstrates the link between militarization abroad and at home. The War on Drugs, the War on Terror, the bloated Pentagon budget, pork barrel politics of Members of Congress, have all led to systematic militarized violence against Americans. If police see themselves as soldiers, and the neighborhoods they patrol as battle space, then ordinary American citizens are the enemy.

Elizabeth Shackelford on America's Accountability-Free Foreign Policy

Empire Has No Clothes

On this edition of Empire Has No Clothes, Matt, Kelley, and Daniel speak with Elizabeth Shackelford, a former Foreign Service Officer and the author of The Dissent Channel: American Diplomacy in a Dishonest Age. She talks about her experience in the State Department, the damage done to the department in the Trump years, her resignation, and the lack of accountability in our foreign policy.

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