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Our latest curated content features some of the best foreign policy minds in the country on geopolitical developments in Iran, China, and, especially, Saudi Arabia. 

Of particular note is Dr. Gil Barndollar's piece, featured in RealClearDefense, "Is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia a Vital Ally?" Here Dr. Barndollar takes the occasion of Saudi Arabia's contributing role in the recent energy crisis to consider the broader logic of US-Saudi alliance afresh. Readers concerned about the nature of our involvement in the Yemeni civil war will find this piece especially instructive.

For further reading on the U.S.-Saudi relationship, we offer this fine piece by Daniel DePetris, as well as this piece by Annelle Sheline for Responsible Statescraft. 

Another highlight of our curated content comes by way of Nate Anderson and Dan Caldwell. This piece delves into the details and explores the implications of an important recent survey by Concerned Veterans for America, indicating that a majority of veterans and veteran households support reductions in U.S. military involvement overseas. 

As a companion to this piece, we highly recommend the survey itself, which we have featured in our Essential Readings section. 

Finally, to round off the topic of drawing down our overseas engagements, the interested reader would benefit from Curt Mills' piece in the American Conservative arguing that it is time to bring our troops back home from Afghanistan.

Original Posts

Those Who ‘Have Borne the Battle’ Want a More Restrained Foreign Policy

Nate Anderson, Dan Caldwell, RealClearDefense

For nearly two decades, our leaders in Washington have bogged down our country in a series of "endless wars," costing thousands of American lives and trillions of taxpayer dollars. T...

Is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia a Vital Ally?

Gil Barndollar, RealClearDefense

“You’re supposed to be our damn friend!” Senator Ted Cruz’s plaintive cry, issued during a radio interview earlier this month, was an unprecedented eruption from one of Saudi Arabia’...

Essential Reading

Debunking the Safe Haven Myth

Daniel Davis, Defense Priorities

Bottom Line: The U.S. presence in Afghanistan has been justified using the false claim that withdrawal will create a “safe haven” for terrorism. Debunking the safe haven myth reveals...

In the News

Why Is the US Removing Its Patriot Missile Systems from Saudi Arabia?

Annelle Sheline, Responsible Statecraft

Pressuring Iran Is Not the Answer to the US’s Middle East Woes

Sina Toossi, Responsible Statecraft

The US Is Pulling Support From Saudi Arabia, an 'Ally' Who Never Deserved It

Daniel DePetris, Washington Examiner

How the Trump Administration Has Blundered Toward Nuclear Chaos

Jon Wolfsthal, Responsible Statecraft

Why the US Should Not Emulate Israel’s Strategy in Syria

Sina Toossi, Responsible Statecraft

It Would Be Great to “Make China Pay” for COVID-19, But the Price Could Be High

Doug Bandow, Cato Institute

Why Trump Should Declare Victory and Leave Afghanistan Now

Curt Mills, American Conservative

Trump Vetoes Bipartisan Measure To Stop War Against Iran

Hunter DeRensis, American Conservative

How H.R. McMaster Sees China: Employing ‘Strategic Empathy’ to Validate His ‘Strategic Narcissism’

Ethan Paul, Responsible Statecraft

Trump and Pompeo May Finally Succeed in Destroying the Iran Deal, But That Won't Get Them Success With Iran

Daniel DePetris, Business Insider

Making China Pay Would Cost Americans Dearly

Doug Bandow, Foreign Policy

What the Coronavirus Can Teach Us About Nuclear Weapons

Jon Letman, Responsible Statecraft

Why Bernie Sanders Will Win in 2020, No Matter Who Gets Elected

Stephen Walt, Business Insider

Is Putin Really Not Worried About a Rising China?

Mark Katz, Responsible Statecraft

The ‘Blob’ Strikes Back

Daniel Larison, American Conservative


Andrew Bacevich vs. The Blob

Empire Has No Clothes

Matt Purple, Kelley Vlahos and Daniel Larison preview Justin Amash's presidential run, America's ongoing Afghan quagmire, and the unfolding humanitarian disaster in Yemen. In the second segment, they speak to BU professor Andrew Bacevich about the Trump administration's muddled foreign policy, and whether he'd take a job in it.

Webinar: Rethinking U.S. and European Policy Towards Syria

Quincy Institute

With Bashar al-Assad’s immediate survival seemingly assured, is it time for a broader re-assessment of Western policy towards Syria?

Donald Trump and the Generals

Power Problems

Alice Hunt Friend of the Center for Strategic and International Studies joins Emma Ashford and Trevor Thrall to talk about the increasingly strained relations between civilian and military leaders in the Trump administration

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