Dear OZY Tribe,

U.S. politics was marked by two shock moments this week. Except that OZY readers were not shocked -- you were ahead of the curve.

Last month, OZY profiled 28-year-old Latino political newcomer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. This week she toppled veteran Democrat Rep. Joe Crowley, a would-be future House speaker, in a New York primary. We also ran a series on Life After Justice Kennedy, culminating on the day that the Supreme Court judge announced his resignation this week. Once again, OZY is giving you the edge.

Don't just rely on us for domestic stories, though. More perhaps than ever before, OZY believes it’s crucial for curious minds to delve further than the borders of their own nation and imagi-nation.

To that end, we've launched OZY’s most ambitious project to date: taking you to every country on Earth and telling stories from each that you’ve never heard before. The landlocked African nation of Lesotho was the midpoint: it's smaller than the state of Maryland, and has the world's biggest educational gender gap -- in favor of women.

We're proud to say we're now at the halfway mark for our journey around the world -- as well as exactly halfway through 2018. As you embark on the second half of the year, please do join us for the ride.

With all the best to you and your families,


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