A crowd favorite at Asian Animation Summit 2018, TakToon Enterprises’ The Curious World of Linda is well on its way to completing production and launching on TV. Last year, TakToon secured a presale for the 78 x 6.5-minute preschool series with Finnish public broadcaster YLE, which has picked up rights to air the shorts on its linear channel and VOD service YLE Areena. Salt Content CEO Angela Salt is contributing several scripts to the project, and TakToon is also working with development consultant Debbie Macdonald, a former programming exec at Nickelodeon UK.
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This year, you can do it without leaving home! Due to travel restrictions related to COVID-19, we will be running a virtual AAS event this November, as well as working towards hosting the next live event in Bali, Indonesia in November 2021. Registration for AAS Virtual 2020 is now open, and an Early-Bird discount is in effect until Friday, October 30.