Hi folks, what's the craic?

This week in Dubai has been all about preparing for Ramadan with the city introducing policies that mean you'll work less and spend more time with your loved ones during iftar. That's a win-win as far as I'm concerned.

But away from Ramadan, there's been a fair few other news stories worth knowing about ranging from a new petrol price to new flights to a popular holiday destination with flydubai.

While these were the main topics of discussion all over the emirate this week, there are a few changes you may not realise are on the way during March.

A new traffic law will be rolled out across the country and we'll also wave a very fond farewell to winter.

You stay classy Dubai,


Dubai News this week
Dubai changes in March

From a major hotel opening to new Salik fees

Spartan Race Dawn 'til Dusk

Are you ready to sprint and climb your way through the ‘colosseum’?

UAE fuel UAE diesel UAE petrol

What you’ll pay this month

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