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October 24, 2020

Here’s a roundup of TNR’s most-read articles on the 2020 race for the White House. To ensure you don’t miss out on more of the best independent journalism in the country, subscribe today.

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The Righteous Anger of Joe Biden

Next to a babbling, often incomprehensible president, Biden did what he needed to do in the final debate.

By Walter Shapiro


In Memoriam: The Trump Pivot The president may win some points for shouting less than he did in the first debate. But don’t act like he’s changed.
By Alex Shephard
Susan Collins and the Death of the Senate The longtime senator is in the electoral battle of her life. But it’s not only her legacy that’s at stake.
By Meredith Shiner


Living With White Supremacy in a Swing State Ohio has a reputation for moderation. But moderation in the Trump era has an entirely different meaning.
By Hanif Abdurraqib
Joe Biden and the Return of the Dreaded Bipartisan CommissionThe Democrat’s proposed commission on court reform is an elaborate way of dodging the court-packing question. It also bodes ill for his presidency.
By Alex Shephard


Cultural Resentment Is Conservatives’ New Religion Trump believes that liberals somehow rule America despite having minority political power. Even his Republican skeptics are ready to preach that lie if he loses the election.
By Osita Nwanevu
Lesley Stahl Blew Her Chance to Eviscerate Trump The “60 Minutes” interview may have outraged the president, but in truth he got off easy.
By Timothy Noah


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