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August 15, 2020
Here’s a roundup of TNR’s most-read articles on the 2020 race for the White House. To ensure you don’t miss out on more of the best independent journalism in the country, subscribe today.

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Donald Trump’s criticisms of the Democratic vice presidential nominee don’t make a lot of sense. As usual, his favorite network is stepping in.
By Alex Shephard
Jared Kushner, Deputy Assistant RatfuckerWhy is Trump’s son-in-law meeting with “presidential candidate” Kanye West instead of bringing peace to the Mideast and saving America from the coronavirus?
By Adam Weinstein
If Donald Trump Can’t Make History, He’ll Steal It Instead

The Gettysburg gambit is just his latest attempt to appropriate American history and symbology and pervert it to suit his ends.

By Matt Ford
Trump’s “Blasphemous” Attacks on Biden Were Torn From the Republican Hymnal

The president’s pearl-clutching critics have forgotten how defaming Democrats’ faith is a longstanding tradition for the GOP.
By Osita Nwanevu
Can Kamala Harris Earn the Trust of Indian Country?

After working against tribal nations as California’s attorney general, she’s now in a position to advance the fight for their sovereignty.
By Nick Martin
A Government Too Broken to Write $600 Checks

The president and the Senate majority leader weren't even in the room for the failed negotiations to save the economy.
By Alex Pareene
The Never Trumpers Have Already Won

They’re not trying to save the GOP from a demagogue. They’re infiltrating the Democratic Party.
By Samuel Moyn
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