Here’s a roundup of TNR’s most-read articles. To ensure you don’t miss out on more of the best independent journalism in the country, subscribe today.
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January 30, 2021

Here’s a roundup of TNR’s most-read articles. To ensure you don’t miss out on more of the best independent journalism in the country, subscribe today.

Get unlimited access to with our three months for $5 "New year, new administration sale."

The Republican Retreat From Governance

The direction of conservative “thought” since Trump left office suggests that the party’s future is limited to brutal voter suppression and culture-war conflict.

By Katelyn Burns



The Senate Is Failing

Nobody does more to dismember the hollow mythology of the “world’s greatest deliberative body” than that body’s members.

By Matt Ford
Fine, Keep the Filibuster. Kill the 60-Vote Requirement Instead.

How to make the Senate functional without forcing Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin to go back on their word

By Alex Pareene
The D.C. Statehood Debate Is Coming, Like It or Not The most important liberal advocacy organizations—and a broader swath of the public—are pushing to make the District of Columbia the fifty-first state.By Osita Nwanevu


Republicans Don’t Care About “Unity”

And the press shouldn’t pretend they do.

By Alex Shephard
How Biden Can Achieve a Russian Restoration

With Putinism under assault, the president can forge a new path by rejecting regime change and heavy-handed democracy promotion in favor of interconnected diplomacy.

By Michael Kimmage


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