Including Global Overview Sweet Potatoes ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
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Friday, April 12, 2024

Highlights Newsletter


Brisk avocado movement expected this week

Movement of avocados has been fluid and consistent and demand remains steady. "Avocado dry matter…

Mango demand expected to pick up as supply comes on

The supply of mangoes is increasing weekly now that more countries such as Nicaragua, Mexico,…

Conserving two Olympic-sized swimming pools of water annually

Verdant Technologies and Sobeys partner on iceless broccoli

The transportation of broccoli from the field to the warehouse and the store typically involves…

Importers are getting ready for Southern Hemisphere citrus season

While the U.S. domestic citrus season is still in full swing, Peru, South Africa, and Chile are…

Why EU packaging rules could spell disaster for health and sustainability

The Alliance for Sustainable Packaging for Foods (ASPF) was launched to engage with regulators,…


The demand for sweet potatoes has not waned in Europe as summer dawns. Some markets are switching…

Mexican grape program doubles and exports expand into Asia and Oceania

Oppy is set to double its Mexican grape volume for the 2024 season, marking a significant milestone…

Red fruit carrot appeals to new customer segment

The supply of imported red fruit carrots (also known as Indian red carrots) into Western Canada is…

Tough final stretch of Chile’s stone fruit season

It's the tail end of Chile's stone fruit season. "Both nectarines and peaches are finishing up,"…

More organic blueberries expected from New Jersey for 2024

As the import blueberry season finishes up and the domestic season ramps up, greater supply is…

Allan Dodge with Pro Citrus Network

“Relationships are the biggest driver of our success”

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Pro Citrus Network (PCN), a year-round provider of citrus.…

How more than 60 million pieces of fruit were stopped going to waste last year

In celebration of Earth Month, Apeel Sciences is proud to announce its environmental achievements…

Small vegetable breeder specializes in pointed peppers and black tomato variety

"We are a small company and have been breeding vegetable seeds commercially for about six years…

Looking for a name for the new Washington State apple hybrid

Washington State University is currently seeking a trademark name for the fruit of WA 64, a new…

Ample Ontario bell pepper supply expected this month

The Canadian bell pepper supply is getting underway. "The supply is similar to last year, and we're…

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