Including Global Overview Tomatoes ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
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Friday, May 24, 2024

Highlights Newsletter


Pricing pressure on California’s cherry crop this season

California is seeing a large set on its cherry crop. "It's one of the largest sets we've had in the…

How $400 pineapples sold out in days

Over the course of the weekend, 25 RubyGlow pineapples selling for $395.99 each sold out. This…

New purple sweet potato variety may drive U.S. exports to Europe

Not many produce items make their way over from the United States to the European continent.…

Julie McLachlan with Jealous Fruits, British Columbia

“It’s not as much as we had hoped for, but we do have a cherry crop”

British Columbia (B.C.) cherry growers as well as many Northern Washington growers were impacted by…

Mucci Farms expands operations with acquisition in Ontario, Canada

Mucci Farms announces the acquisition of Hacienda North Farms, a 160-acre state-of-the-art…

Cherry growers mostly interested in early, low chill varieties

Cherries are grown in different countries around the globe, but productivity is increasingly…


The overall trend in many markets around the world is that of lower prices for tomatoes. This is…

Demand for large size Navel oranges never caught up with supply

It's no secret that it hasn't been an easy California citrus season. Navel oranges are ending early…

Laurel wilt is a significant threat to United States avocado industry

The United States Department of Agriculture identifies Laurel Wilt as a significant threat to the…

Water dispute escalates between the US and Mexico, impacting Texas

The longstanding water conflict between the United States and Mexico, significantly affecting Texas…

California grape season may avoid another late start

While it's still early, there are signs of a good growing season for the upcoming California grape…

“Around 50% of Clementine production in Uruguay affected by heavy rain”

The Clementine harvest and eventual exports in Uruguay have been affected by the heavy rain that…

Connecting the U.S. and Canada

An early look at North America’s Gordie Howe International Bridge

For moving produce, the details sound intriguing: a new 2.5-kilometer, six-lane bridge connecting…

Ecuador’s latest State of Emergency not affecting banana and exotic fruit exports

The latest State of Emergency declared by Ecuador's President Daniel Noboa, in seven states and…

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