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This week's highlights

Plenty of pressure on garlic supplies in North America
Supplies of garlic in North America are slim. “Supplies are incredibly tight right now. The…
California stone fruit harvests to begin this week in Kettleman region
The California stone fruit crop is about ready to harvest, and the season is looking good,…
Ecuadorian banana growers get ready to halt sales for 3 weeks
The difficult situation that the banana sector in Ecuador is going through due to the drop in…
Vegetable sales growth almost 20% higher than fruit growth
Produce sales at retail remained highly elevated during the week ending April 12, while the demand…
Florida growers leave behind unharvested crops
As a result of COVID-19 triggering shuts down in the U.S., some growers are walking away from…
Northwest growers expect full cherry crop, despite challenges
The Northwest cherry harvest is set to begin in the last few days of May, and growers expect to…
The garlic market is virtually empty. Stocks are very limited and the little that comes in is…
Fruit and vegetable industry targeted for $2.7 billion in financial relief
On April 18th, the United States President and USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue announced some $2.7…
Chile forecasts higher citrus production, but US market likely won’t be affected
Chile’s citrus production is forecast to be up this year, and for the mandarin category it is…
A positive year for South African citrus amid a challenging shipping landscape
“This month marks the start of the 2020 South African citrus season that will prove interesting as…
Drop in foodservice lettuce demand affects future plantings
Supplies of lettuce are ample right now, in part thanks to the shift in foodservice demand on the…
Significant crop loss in Colorado peaches
Following a frost early last week, growers are determining how much of a Colorado peach season is…
New coating prevents bacterial cross-contamination in fresh produce
Over the course of their journey from the open fields to the produce displays at grocery stores,…
Avocado industry gearing up for Cinco de Mayo; good traffic expected
Avocados in the United States are currently coming out of California and Mexico. Just like many…
Michigan asparagus delayed by a few days with cooler forecasts
The Michigan asparagus season is set the begin mid-May. Superior Sales grows their asparagus out of…
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