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January 16, 2021

Here’s a roundup of TNR’s most-read articles as we await the new administration. To ensure you don’t miss out on more of the best independent journalism in the country, subscribe today.

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Republicans Rethink “Law and Order” Once They Become Its Target

Much of Congress thinks rules are for other people.

By Nick Martin



All That’s Left of Trumpism Is Hilariously Stupid, Deadly Serious Social Media Stunts

MAGA Nation’s thirst for viral clout is going to get more people killed.

By Laura Bassett
Impeaching Trump Is a Pyrrhic Victory Even if the Senate votes to convict the president, it would come at a cost.By Walter Shapiro
The Call Is Coming From Inside the House (and Senate) Can members of Congress trust each other to keep their colleagues safe?By Matt Ford


Against a Domestic Terrorism Law

We have enough cops, and they don’t need new laws. What happened on January 6 requires a political, not criminal response.

By Alex Pareene
A War Photographer Embeds With the Capitol Hill MobRon Haviv, who once covered a coup attempt in Panama, followed rioters through a broken window into the seat of his own nation’s legislative branch.
By Bob Moser


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