Radically mispriced stocks...

Dear Reader,

Hello, Thompson Clark here.

As you’ve seen over the last few days, first in my interview with Ed D’Agostino and then again yesterday in my interview with John Mauldin…

… I’ve dedicated my research to finding mispriced anomalies in the market.

I’ve found that when you smartly add some of these stocks to your portfolio in a disciplined way, you can capture more alpha than you get simply by index investing… and accelerate your market gains.

I call these stocks “Wealth Accelerators.” Why?

Well, Netflix was a Wealth Accelerator. So were Amazon, Tesla, and many of the other most-famous and widely covered stocks around.

Let’s look at Tesla specifically. When Tesla shares debuted in 2010, the stock had a $1.4 billion market cap. Five analysts covered it.

Now, you had to share Elon Musk’s vision. You had to have conviction in the future of electric vehicles. If you did, and if you added it to your portfolio in 2010, you bought a classic Wealth Accelerator stock.

Fact is, the last several decades are packed with Wealth Accelerator stocks. The trick, the hard part, is finding them when they’re radically mispriced, under-followed, and new.

I rely on owner-operators, clean balance sheets, the potential for scale and deals, and new products to guide my research. If a stock’s a meme stock, or a story stock, all hat and no cattle, I move on.

In fact, I’ve recently recorded an in-depth examination of what makes a Wealth Accelerator stock, how I find them, and why my research shows they’re the best way to pack the speculation portion of your portfolio with outsized potential.

The presentation I made isn’t very long, and in it, I cover how I find wealth accelerator stocks and the traits they all share.

Click here now to see my findings for yourself.

And thank you for following along this week as John and Ed took the time to introduce my research to you.

I look forward to writing to you about many great investing opportunities in 2022 and beyond.


Thompson Clark
Editor, Smart Money Monday

PS: In my presentation—click here to watch it—I break down my system for identifying Wealth Accelerator stocks and even reveal one that’s had a tremendous run this year.

One last note—due to the under-the-radar nature of the stocks I cover, I can only reveal what I’ve found to a limited number of Mauldin Economics readers.

Wealth Accelerator stocks aren’t perfect for every portfolio, but if you’re seriously on the hunt for outsized alpha, I encourage you to click here now.


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