IndustryWeek Daily
IndustryWeek Daily Headlines: Morning Edition

OCTOBER 8, 2018


Airstream Maker Thor Rides a Silver Bullet to #2

Strong brands, good design keep the RV manufacturer rolling along.



Manufacturers: Time to Pay Attention

Maintaining the status quo for employee training and development is no longer an option. In our new Industry Pulse: 2018 Manufacturing Workforce Report, Tooling U-SME found that immediate workforce development is crucial. In fact, 76% of respondents said their company does not have a talent development strategy for manufacturing employees. Growth demands investing in people.

Download your free copy and take action now.

Daimler CFO Steps Down After Missing Out on Top Job Amid Revamp

Daimler's challenges were evident Monday when Mercedes said September deliveries slumped 8%.


US Manufacturing Building Boom Roars Along

While big numbers of retirees or soon-to-be retirees are helping drive the call for a new influx of manufacturing workers, they aren't the only reason for the urgency. U.S. manufacturers continue to announce expansions or new builds across the country and that growth means more workforce needs. Here is a look at where some of that manufacturing building growth is occurring.


Happy Manufacturing Day! Now Get to Work.

A new generation needs a new message around manufacturing, crafted not just from words, but with investment in training programs and real outreach to schools and underserved populations.


High-Tech, Hands-On and Fulfilling

Note to parents: Manufacturing can be a career that pays well, is challenging and doesn't require student loans.



Webinar: 3D Printing in Production

5 Methods to Reduce Costs
and Improve Efficiency for Manufacturers

What are some techniques manufacturers are using to create value with 3D printing today? How are manufacturers using 3D printing to stay competitive, unlock organizational efficiencies, and maximize profit. .

Register Now to learn more.