A thoughtful last-minute gifts for everyone in your list.
It’s fair to say, 2020 has been eventful. With the holiday seasons around the corner, many of you may be gearing up for a restful break. But you're not done yet. This can be a restless time to shop gifts for everyone on your list.

We know, it's a lot to do. But it's okay, we get it. Everything is crazy right now, and our sense of time is completely distorted.

That's why we've made your last-minute gift shopping easier. Swing by our store, and get some customsied and personalised gifts done on the spot.

Opening hours

Tuesday till Sunday
11.00 am- 6.00 pm

Monday – Closed

Open Google Maps
It's weird not to be weird.
- John Lennon -

Malaysia (HQ)
The Zhongshan Building
82, Jalan Rotan,
Off Jalan Kampung Attap
KL 50460


Tue - Sun
11:00am- 6:00pm

Shop now at ana-tomy.co

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