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Thousands take to streets in major cities to protest Trump election
Thousands take to streets in major cities to protest Trump election

THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE coast-to-coast took to the streets Wednesday night to protest Donald Trump's election, disrupting traffic, chanting anti-Trump slogans and some ending up in handcuffs.


Ryan says Trump victory will unify Republicans, vows to work 'hand in hand'Ryan says Trump victory will unify Republicans, vows to work 'hand in hand'


Liberal journalists are biggest losers in Trump victoryLiberal journalists are biggest losers in Trump victory


Celebrity face change mysteries...Celebrity face change mysteries...


Secret Nazi Arctic base in picturesSecret Nazi Arctic base in pictures


Celebrity chefs react to Donald Trump’s electoral victoryCelebrity chefs react to Donald Trump’s electoral victory


Newt Gingrich on President-elect Trump's calls for unityNewt Gingrich on President-elect Trump's calls for unity
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