InformationWeek Leadership
Defining CISO Role; Framework for EU Personal Data Greenlit; CFO-CIO Relations for Success

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InformationWeek Leadership careers
July 12, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Threads Boom Challenges Twitter Enterprise Throne
Twitter’s social media rival Threads scored a massive number of signups at a breakneck pace. What does that mean for enterprise users?

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Defining the CISO Role

What is expected of chief information security officers, and how could that change in the years to come?
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EC Says European Private Data Can Flow to Compliant US Companies

Decision from the European Commission affirms new framework clears the way for personal data from Europe to be accessible thanks to promised protections.
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Dollars and Sense: CFO, CIO Relations Key to Investment Success

When a CFO and CIO partner and align on solving IT business challenges, together they can better execute on long-term benefits for the business.
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Build a Successful Tech Start-up in a Changed World

What investors want from tech start-ups is changing significantly. They have a laser focus on customer retention and profitability. How can tech companies achieve this?
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
How to Avoid App Switching Brain Drain
To boost productivity and reduce stress, it is critical to choose applications designed to work together to help reduce the time and effort required to switch between apps. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Open Source Unlocks Possibilities for Innovation and Modernization
Accelerating advancements in cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, DevOps and modern web frameworks, open-source software drives industry success. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Hardest IT Jobs to Fill
If you’re an IT leader or tech manager struggling to hire for one of these positions, you’re not alone. If you’re an IT professional with experience in these roles, you’re in luck. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
What Does Real-time Really Mean In Data Analytics?
Before jumping into real-time data analytics, organizations should define what they mean by ‘real time’ in their specific business use case. Read More
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