October 26, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

We're in a loop of three or four recurring themes these days, including oil and high income investments, artificial intelligence excitement, general prophecies of doom (buy gold!  Get another passport!), and, in a bit more of a niche area, nuclear power and uranium... it's the last which gets our focus today, as Junior Resource Monthly teases the three big winners of the surge to $200 uranium.  So what are they?  The Thinkolator is on the case, just click below to...

A unique type of investment could help you make more money than you will need for the rest of your life. It's what we call the "Amazon secret royalty program". It's an income stream that allows you to collect $1,000s… $10,000s… or more every year!  In fact, Business Insider says this type of investment could provide "enough money to live off of each year, without having any other retirement plan..."  "Royalties" are simply periodic payments.. that could deliver all you need for retirement. Click here to learn more.


Curious about "AI Moonshots" still?  Shah Gilani is touting three small caps that he thinks will beat NVIDIA, and I posted our story about that one with a little update today.

And we covered a new Tim Melvin teaser ad for his Underground Income newsletter yesterday, what is this "#1 Tax-Free Stock" he teases, and can it really give us a 7.6% monthly dividend plus the potential for big capital gains in a couple years?  Click below to....

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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