November 28, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Today I flipped a coin to decide whether to cover the next "AI" idea, or the next fear-driven "your dollars are going to be worthless" pitch... and today it turns up heads, so we're looking into artificial intelligence.  Sort of. 

Porter Stansberry is pitching his newsletter with a spiel about how AI isn't real and everyone's lying to you ("Artificial Illusion," he says)... but that the real stuff is still powering profits at some established companies you should buy, and he's got three to hint at, with some clues that I fed to the Thinkolator for you... so we've got some interesting results to chew on when it comes ot his "3 AI Railroad" stocks, just click below to...

Don’t worry. One expert is saying another coin has 20X the potential of bitcoin. And with cryptos heating up, it could be the perfect time to get in.


Incidentally, if you want one of those "your dollars will become worthless on December 13" stories, there's been a bit of an update to Teeka's pitch on that front.  And we'll probably cover some similar stories soon.

Miss last week's Turkey reveal?

You probably know that there have been a lot of lousy stock picks teased by our favorite newsletter pundits over the past year, but which was the absolute lousiest?  Each year during Thanksgiving week, we root around in the bottom of the barrel to see which pick deserves to be called out as the Turkey of the Year... partly in good fun, since we all make investing blunders, but partly also to remind ourselves, at least once a year, about how easy it can be to get sucked into a disastrous story stock... ready for the big reveal?  Just click below for the...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
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