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Three stunning facts you don’t know

Ryan Fitzwater, Associate Publisher, Monument Traders Alliance

Dear Trade of the Day Reader,

The craziness continues in this market.

Just about the only sector that's doing well is energy.

Which is why I wanted to share with you one of the best energy stocks you can own right now.

I'll give you three big reasons why.

  1. Sales growth. This company has seen sales rise by 2,400%.
  2. Massive margins. This company can earn $200 million on a single shipment of Liquified Natural Gas to Europe.
  3. Gigantic upside. Wall Street analysts have projected the stock could rise from $30 to $280 in 18 months.

But don't take my word for it.

Take a look at this breakdown of the entire company's business.

If you're looking for one great stock to own in this market, this is it.

Yours in smart speculation,

Ryan Fitzwater Signature

Ryan Fitzwater, Associate Publisher
Monument Traders Alliance