Step up your film and TV marketing acumen with a 360-degree content marketing experience at AToMiCon!

Check out an array of sessions covering the latest entertainment marketing trends, effective audience-building strategies, insights and tips from leading brands, and much more for anyone in the content game.

Matthew Litzinger

President and CCO
Red Lion

Making a splash on a shoestring budget

When it comes to promoting your content, we get it: budgets are tight. But just because you don’t have a lot of promotional dollars behind your upcoming indie flick, it doesn’t mean you can’t attract a lot of attention.

Red Lion president Matt Litzinger will walk producers through some marketing basics; real-world examples of big-impact, low-cost advertising; and how to make even the most meagre of budgets work effectively.

Nick Barbuto

Managing Director
OMD Canada

The future of media
- Assisted devices, live streaming and more

Twenty years ago, we were told to be wary of people on the internet and not to get in cars with strangers. Today, we literally beckon strangers from the internet to drive us in their car. Change is funny like that.

Nick Barbuto will explore the not-so-distant future to see how it’s affecting consumers and changing the way media companies do business. Make sure you're up to speed on all the new content platforms and marketing tools at your disposal.

Stephanie Pecaoco

Lead Community Developer

Into the creed:
When fans shape your content

Assassin’s Creed is letting fans take centre stage as the stars of the video game’s latest documentary, letting them do some of the loyalty-building heavy lifting. Ubisoft’s Stephanie Pecaoco breaks down the company’s long-term fan-centric growth strategy; the promise that holds for helping to promote launches and how to actually measure the ROI of fan love.

Leigh Riemer
Director of Market Strategy

A ‘Tasty’ data-driven audience strategy

Craig Johnson
VP Marketing, Absolut Vodka
Pernod Ricard USA

Sounding out a cohesive brand content strategy

Barbara Basney
VP Global Brand, Advertising and Media
Xerox Corp

Inside Xerox’s modernization content play

+ Don't miss the Lunch-and-learn round tables and the Upfront sessions by The Globe and Mail, Google, and Oath Canada.

March 28 | Arcadian Court, Toronto

For registration inquiries, please contact:
Lia Minquini • • 416 408 2300 x282

For sponsorship inquiries, please contact:
Lisa Faktor • • 416 408 2300 x477

Brand Content Expo Presenting Upfront Partners

Entertainment Marketing Summit Presenting Sponsor

Atomic Awards Sponsor


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